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 Nutritional Programs: Nutritional Program for Anti-Aging  

  • Organic germanium (trace mineral complex, germanium sesquioxide) is an oxygenating nutrient that I am sure future research will demonstrate to possess antiaging properties.

  • Mucopolysaccharides, or chondroitin sulfates, may have a role in reducing inflammation, which can be a culprit in aging, and in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and arthritis. These substances, found in mussels and oysters, also help keep the collagen tissues and cells strong. Though the research so far has not substantiated the usefulness of mucopolysaccharides, the clinical responses have been favorable.

  • Hydrochloric acid and digestive enzyme support may be helpful, particularly if these substances are deficient in our bodies. Proper breakdown and utilization of food nutrients are essential to staying healthy. Poor digestion can lead to many problems, including increased incidence of allergy; furthermore, improper assimilation of undigested foods can ultimately lead to increased nutrient deficiencies as well as free-radical formation from food reactions.

    Herbs have long been known for their benefits in cleansing the body and blood, protecting us from irritants and cancer cells, and supporting longevity. Those that I think are best for these purposes are garlic, ginseng root, capsicum, also known as red or cayenne pepper, and gotu kola.

    In the future, more and more specific nutrients and herbs will be used to slow down the aging process and enhance health, mainly by reducing stress and supporting immune function. Immune enhancement and a greater understanding of the relationship between immunology and health will probably be the basis of our future medicine.

    Unless we get involved in serious cloning of cells and tissues or in cryobiology, the freezing of cells, tissues, and whole bodies to prolong or regenerate life, it is going to be up to each of us to live according to the health-sustaining laws of nature and the universe. A total revamping of the diet, with nutrient-rich, wholesome foods and a focus on regular undereating, will support us best. Reducing chemical exposure by cleaning up the environment will also be necessary for greatest longevity. Learning to reduce and manage stress in our daily lives and generate an attitude of enthusiasm and love for life is crucial to our future health and happiness.

    The specific nutrient program I recommend for antiaging is shown in the following table. The values given are averages for men and women of different sizes and shapes. Ranges are shown for most values to allow for some flexibility in individual application. Unless otherwise noted, these amounts are to be taken daily, usually divided into two or three portions over the course of the day. Amounts consumed in the diet can be taken into consideration for nutrients such as folic acid, calcium, or iron; excess iron should not be taken unless you are being treated for iron deficiency or are monitored by a nutritional specialist. This supplementation program may be used for one month several times yearly for healthy people in their 40s and 50s, and then more regularly in the later years or with particular aging concerns. For specific medical conditions, using more specific programs discussed later may be more relevant.

    Anti-Aging Nutrient Program

    Calories 1600–3,000 Calcium 800–1,200 mg.
    Protein50–75 g. Chromium200–500 mcg.
    Fats40–70 g. Copper2–3 mg.
    Carbohydrate250–400 g. Iodine150–200 mcg.
    Fiber10–20 g. Iron
    men and post-menopausal women
    10–15 mg.
    Water1.5–3.0 qt. menstruating women18–30 mg.

    Magnesium600–800 mg.
    Vitamin A10,000 IUs Manganese5–15 mg.
    Beta-carotene25,000–50,000 IUs Molybdenum100–500 mcg.
    Vitamin D400 IUs Selenium,
    (preferably as selenomethionine)
    200–300 mcg.
    Vitamin E400–800 IUs Silicon100–200 mg.
    Vitamin K300 mcg. Zinc
    Thiamine (B1)10–50 mg. men30–60 mg.
    Riboflavin (B2)10–50 mg. women25–50 mg.
    Niacin (B3)50–100 mg.
    Niacinamide (B3)50–100 mg. L-amino acids complex1,000 mg.
    Pantothenic acid (B5)250–500 mg. L-cysteine500 mg.
    Pyridoxine (B6)25–200 mg. L-carnitine250–500 mg.
    Pyridoxal-5-phosphate25–50 mg. Coenzyme Q1030–60 mg.
    Cobalamin (B12)50–250 mcg. Flaxseed oil1–2 t.
    Folic acid 1,000–2,000 mcg.
    (1–2 mg.)
    Organic germanium 75–300 mg.
    Biotin500 mcg. Others:
    Choline250–1,000 mg. Hydrochloric acid5–10 grains
    Inositoll500–1,000 mg. (with protein meals)(1–2 tablets)
    Vitamin C2–6 g. Digestive enzymes
    including bromelain
    (after meals)
    2–3 tablets
    Bioflavonoids250–500 mg. Wheat germ oil4 capsules
    Mucopolysaccharides100–500 mg.

  • (Excerpted from Staying Healthy with Nutrition ISBN: 1587611791)
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     About The Author
    Elson Haas MDElson M. Haas, MD is founder & Director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin (since 1984), an Integrated Health Care Facility in San Rafael, CA and author of many books on Health and Nutrition, including ...more
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