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 Nutritional Programs: Nutritional Program for Sexual Vitality  

Nutrients for Specific Sexual Organs

BrainPituitary AdrenalThyroid
B vitamins B vitamins Vitamis A Iodine
Choline Pantothenic acid B vitamins B vitamins
Calcium Niacin Pantothenic Thiamine
Magnesium Vitamin E Niacin Vitamin E
Potassium Zinc Thiamine Tyrosine
L-amino acidsVitamin C
TryptophanVitamin E
Essential fatty acids
Testes and Sperms*Ovaries
Vitamin EB vitamins
Vitamin AFolic acid
Vitamin CVitamin E
Folic acid Zinc

*Sperm contains calcium, zinc, sulfur, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and inositol, so these are likely important also. ATP (energy) is an absolute requirements for sperm motility, so nuclear acids, specially inosine.

A number of herbs seem to influence sexual function and enhance sexual vitality, in addition to the many botanicals that have been used for treating various sexual maladies. Ginseng root is the classic example of a sexual strengthening herb. It is used more for men than for women, though when the lack of sexual energy is a result of fatigue, ginseng may help in both sexes. The aphrodisiac and sexual power capacities of ginseng, however, are only anecdotal and not supported by research; its main benefit may be its effects in supporting general vitality. Dong quai and Fo-ti tieng are two other herbal roots used in traditional Chinese medicine. Dong quai is a female herb that acts as a blood purifier, antispasmodic for cramps, and as a hormonal tonic. Fo-ti tieng, or Polygonium multiflore, is used more in males as a kidney tonic and diuretic, and to enhance fertility. It is also used for blood sugar programs. Both herbs can be taken in capsules or boiled to make tea. Damiana leaf has an historical reputation as an aphrodisiac and a stimulant of sexual activity. Good-quality (fresh, dried) damiana has helped many people stimulate their sexual appetites. Saw palmetto herb is best known for its treatment of male prostate problems. It and damiana have been used together to enhance sexual health. Both are also employed for respiratory difficulties. Licorice root seems to possess some estrogenic properties and has been used in many female tonifying formulas. It may be useful for reproductive health and for treating infertility. Sarsaparilla root contains "building block" chemicals that stimulate the synthesis of steroid sex hormones.

(Excerpted from Staying Healthy with Nutrition ISBN: 1587611791)
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 About The Author
Elson Haas MDElson M. Haas, MD is founder & Director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin (since 1984), an Integrated Health Care Facility in San Rafael, CA and author of many books on Health and Nutrition, including ...more
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