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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Integrative Medicine: Optimal Prostate Health With Natural Medicine 

  • WEEK 1
    Herbal support:
    1. Use Saw Palmetto, or a Saw Palmetto-based formula
    Suggested use: One dose, three times daily

    Nutritional support:
    1. Use a Zinc supplement
    Suggested use: 10-20 mg, three times daily

  • WEEK 2
    Herbal support:
    1. Use an herbal tonic formula including Siberian & American Ginseng
    Suggested use: One dose, two times daily

    Nutritional support:
    1. Use a Vitamin E supplement
    Suggested use: 50-200 iu's, two times daily

  • WEEK 3
    Herbal support:
    1. Use Saw Palmetto, or a Saw Palmetto-based formula
    Suggested use: One dose, three times daily

    Nutritional support:
    1. Use a Zinc supplement
    Suggested use: 10-20 mg, three times daily

  • WEEK 4
    Herbal support:
    1. Use an herbal tonic formula including Siberian & American Ginseng
    Suggested use: One dose, two times daily

    Nutritional support:
    1. Use a Vitamin E supplement
    Suggested use: 50-200 iu's, two times daily

Note: With acute symptoms of BPH, use both the herbal and nutritional support remedies for up to one month. Also, include the appropriate homeopathic medicine and consider the addition of an Echinacea and Goldenseal combination.

The above is a sampling of the many options available for men interested in the treatment and prevention of prostate problems. This era in medical care is very exciting for many men who now have the opportunity to take better care of their health.


  1. Cited in article, Harvard Health Letter, February, 1994
  2. Cited in article, Health and Healing, Julian Whitaker, March 1992
  3. Chempault, et al, Medical treatment of prostatic adenoma, Annals of Urology, 1984
  4. Sultan, et al, Inhibition of androgen metabolism, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, 1984
  5. Hirano, et al, Effects of stinging nettle root..., Planta Medica, 1994
  6. Bassi, Standardized extract of Pygeum africanum in the treatment of BPH, Minerva Urologica, 1987
  7. Leake, et al, The effect of zinc..., Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, 1984
  8. Judd, et al, Zinc... inhibits prolactin secretion, Brain Research, 1984
  9. Stampfer, et al, Vitamin E consumption..., New England Journal of Medicine, June, 1993
  10. Boerick, Materia Medica with Repertory, 1927,, p. 562
Janet Zand, OMD, L. Ac., is a respected naturopathic physician who lives and practices in the Los Angeles area. She has developed a unique and effective method of combining herbal medicine with nutrition, homeopathy and acupuncture. Her credentials include a Doctor of Naturopathy, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, and Certified Acupuncturist. Dr. Zand has over fifteen years of clinical experience treating with natural medicine, as well as having formulated her own line of herbal supplements.
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 About The Author
Janet Zand LAc, OMDJANET ZAND, O.M.D., L.Ac. is a nationally respected author, lecturer, practitioner and herbal products formulator whose work has helped thousands of people achieve better health....more
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