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Which of the following health conditions is not directly benefited by breathing exercises?
High blood pressure

 Chelation Therapy: Oral Chelation  

Vitamin Bl 200mg

Vitamin B2 50mg

Vitamin B6 150mg

Niacin (B3) l00mg

Pantothenic acid (B5) 250mg

Vitamin B12 250mcg

Folic acid 400mcg

Biotin 100mcg

Choline 750mg

Inositol 100mg

PABA 150mg

Calcium carbonate 400mg

Magnesium oxide 500mg

Iodine (kelp) 225mcg

Copper gluconate 250mcg

Zinc gluconate 25mg

Potassium citrate and chloride 400mg

Manganese gluconate 10mg

Chromium 200mcg

Thymus extract 50mg

Spleen extract 50mg

Cod liver oil (EPA) 50mg

Hawthorn berry 25mg

Selenium 200mcg

Cysteine HCL 750mg

Methionine 200mg

Quite clearly, it is beyond the means of most people to compile a collection of nutrients which would meet these precise requirements. The particular formula given above is available in the USA from health stores. Anyone trying to put together an approximation of this suggested pattern could ask for assistance from a health store assistant who would doubtless with a little effort, be able to combine a number of standard formulations and individual items towards this end.

It must be said that the combination put together by Dr Donsbach seems heroic in its complexity and although he explains precisely why each item is included, there remains a faint suggestion of 'shot­gun' supplementation in which the more things thrown together the greater the chance that something might do some good. The author provides this formulation as a matter of accuracy rather than as a strongly recommended course. My preference would be for something along the lines of Dr Rinse's formulation or the using of individual nutrient supplementation as outlined in Chapter 8.

Before we examine the use of oral EDTA, a reminder is in order at this point of the value of exercise as a chelation generating method. It is clear from Nathan Pritikin's work (Pritikin, 1980) that a combination of diet and exercise can do as much as chelation therapy in normalizing circulatory dysfunction; and remember that without attention to these areas chelation therapy will produce results which will not be sustained.

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 About The Author
Leon Chaitow ND, DO, MROA practicing naturopath, osteopath, and acupuncturist in the United Kingdom, with over forty years clinical experience, Chaitow is Editor-in-Chief, of the ...more
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