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 Natural Life Extension: Other Methods of Life Extension 

The use of nucleic acid will increase levels of uric acid, which, as we have seen, is a powerful antioxidant itself, but which we also know can trigger conditions such as gout when in excess. It is worth noting that the benefits which are claimed for nucleic acid therapy are similar to those which calorie restriction would produce anyway, including improved cell function; and the calorie restriction diet emphasizes the use of foods rich in nucleic acid.

Whether you should add supplements of RNA/DNA to the programme must be a personal choice. It can do little harm unless uric acid levels are high, and it might (just) help a calorie restriction diet. However, it would certainly add to protein intake, and this should be taken into account when assessing protein levels in relation to your weight.

It seems that whichever method we look at that has some degree of justification for its claims to influence either retardation of aging or promotion of actual life extension, we find these claimed effects such as the promotion of growth hormone, the influence of lowered core temperature, or antioxidant benefits are delivered naturally by calorie controlled dieting. Even when we come to some of the more unusual life extension methods, like serotonin reduction by drugs such as 1-dope, or MAO inhibition by the use of GH3, even supplementation with nucleic acid, all the benefits associated with such methods are available through application of the calorie restriction diet.

It is also important to remind ourselves that many of the antiageing effects produced by these assorted methods (other than calorie restriction) are not truly life extending, rather they give the appearance of youth, with some of the benefits (better function physically and mentally), but they do not add years to your life.

The other major benefit which calorie restriction offers is enhanced health, and while some of the additional methods mentioned make claims for particular benefits, none of them (apart from fasting and antioxidant nutrition perhaps) can make similar health claims, with any proof or authority.

The best way to extend your life, and to improve the quality of your life in terms of health, is to apply the calorie restriction diet described in this book. This can best be helped by periodic fasting, general supplementation, antioxidant supplementation, good stress coping skills, adequate sleep and exercise, access to negative ionization, and the application of methods such as meditation which encourage slower metabolic rates.

I wish all readers long, happy and healthy lives.

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 About The Author
Leon Chaitow ND, DO, MROA practicing naturopath, osteopath, and acupuncturist in the United Kingdom, with over forty years clinical experience, Chaitow is Editor-in-Chief, of the ...more
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