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 Cancer: Revici Therapy 
Richard Walters ©

Dr. Revici uses the Periodic Table of Elements as one of several guides when choosing the best course of treatment for a patient. This ties in with his view that cancer is part of a hierarchical organization found throughout Nature, from the precellular level to the entire organism. All the known elements, in his view, can be classified as supporting either anabolic or catabolic activity, and each element's biological activity correlates with its position in the Periodic Table. Revici maintains that the vertical rows in the table all share either anabolic or catabolic activity, whereas the horizontal rows indicate at which level of biological organization a particular element acts-whether at the level of a subnuclear particle (nucleoprotein), nucleus, cell, tissue, organ, or whole body. By this means, Dr. Revici determines the body level (or levels) most affected by the illness and therefore most in need of therapeutic intervention. This information is correlated with diagnostic tests indicating which imbalance is present at which level.

Harassed for decades by the American medical monopoly, Revici, ironically, had originally come to the United States seeking freedom to do his work. A scientific prodigy, he had written his first research manuscript at the age of twelve and entered the University of Bucharest at seventeen. In 1936, after serving as an assistant professor on the Faculty of Medicine, he moved with his family to Paris, where he spent three years investigating the biochemistry of cancer. When World War II erupted, the Revicis fled to Nice, where the doctor joined the French Resistance and gave medical aid to wounded Resistance fighters sought by the Nazis. His anti-fascist activities so endangered him and his wife and daughter that the leaders of the French Underground had to arrange for the family's passage out of Europe.6 The Revicis settled m Mexico, where Dr. Revici founded the first Institute of Applied Biology, in Mexico City.

Eager to advance his research in the United States, Dr. Revici was granted three special visas through the intercession of Sumner Welles, a special aide to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.7 Revici moved to Chicago, then to New York, establishing the institute anew in Brooklyn in 1947. Today, his office is located in a two-story building in Manhattan, where he treats patients aided by a small support staff.

By 1948, Revici had begun exploring the use of selenium in treating cancer and as a means for rendering radiation less harmful. His promising findings on radiation came to the attention of United States Navy scientists testing A-bombs in the Pacific. Twice, the scientists invited him to join them in studying radiation's harmful effects.

In 1954, Revici's fund-raising organization financed the purchase of Beth David Hospital in Manhattan. Renamed Trafalgar Hospital, this general-care facility employing over 200 resident and visiting physicians enabled Revici, as the chief of oncology, to provide round-the-clock care for critically ill patients. Its animal research laboratories were staffed by 35 scientists and technicians, all involved in projects related to Revici's theories and therapeutic approach. Revici served as chief of Trafalgar's oncology department for over twenty years. The hospital dosed in 1978 due to financial difficulties.

Revici's treatment agents were used in Belgium with favorable results by Professor Joseph Maisin, president of the International Union Against Cancer and director of the Cancer Institute of the University of Louvain. Between 1965 and his death from a car accident in 1971, Maisin corresponded with Revici to describe how he treated patients with advanced metastatic cancer who had failed conventional therapies. Maisin used several Revici preparations, at times coupled with low-dose radiation. He reported that in nine of the twelve terminal-cancer patients on the Revici medicines, significant improvements occurred, including regression of tumors, disappearance of metastases, and cessation of hemorrhage. Incredibly, paralyzed patients were able to walk again.

(Excerpted from Options: The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book ISBN: 0895295105)
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