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 Holistic Dentistry: Self Reliance - Dental Anxiety, Fears and Phobias 
Jacob Trager DDS ©
During the span of my professional dental career, (36+ years), one of my most important missions/goals has been to make the dental visit a positive and safe experience for the client/patient.

By providing an understanding and nurturing office environment, utilizing pain free treatment techniques, natural aides for anxiety (e.g. Valerian Root, Bach Flower Rescue Remedy, Homeopathic Calming Remedies) and truly listening to those I served, I am able to help them overcome their fears, anxieties and phobias. Make certain that the dentist you select to help you towards wellness, utilizes a similar approach. (Later in the article you will learn powerful self-help tools that you can use to help yourself become active partners in overcoming these problems, that keep more than half of the American population from seeking regular dental care.)

This mission/goal took on such great importance because of my own traumatic dental experience when I was 12 years old:

I had been cavity free during my childhood years, but as often happens in adolescence, I developed my first dental decay (cavity). The dentist was so angry, (I had been his pride and joy, "look, no cavities") that he drilled on my first permanent molar with no local anesthetic (those were the days of the low speed dental drill). The pain was so intense, and I felt the dentistâs anger as he unrelentingly drilled. Tears streamed down my face, as the trust I had built over my childhood years was destroyed. There was no warning, no preparation, nor was there any excuse for the abuse I suffered at the hands of the angry dentist. When I went into dentistry, I vowed not to cause this kind of harm to my clients/patients. Later, in retrospect, I was grateful for this painful experience. It enabled me to help others with similar problems. However, my experience was nonetheless emotionally painful and traumatic and colored a good portion of my life.

It wasn't until I became associated with an extraordinary psychotherapist (the co-author of this article) that I began to fully understand what happened to me at the age of 12. The psychotherapist, Eugenie G. Foret, shared with me her more than 25 years of professional experience and expertise in this area. She was able to help me solve my problems and allowed me to better help those that suffered from anxiety, fear and phobias in relation to their dental experience through utilization of her principles and techniques.

We are happy to share these principles and techniques with you, in the hope that it leads to positive and nurturing dental experiences essential to wellness and health.

If you would like to receive more information about our upcoming series of audio tapes and instructional guide book on transforming dental anxiety, fears and phobias, a self-reliance series, let us know by leaving us a message on our toll free voice mail (888-758-8058).

These principles can increase your self reliance and assist you in creating a more positive dental experience. We believe that through accessing your inner tools you can begin the process of becoming increasingly more self reliant and at the same time learn how to maximize the potential of these precious tools to increase your wellness and prevent disease. Remember that the goal is to create a new experience in which you are in control. As you approach problem solving, it is important to allow the process, because many times the answers that we need and seek are in the process - in the journey, rather than in the goal or the end result.

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