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 Homeopathy: T.L.C. for the Tender Gender 

2. A non-judgmental attitude. It is important that your practitioner appreciate you as a unique and creative being. It is merely circumstantial that you are the patient and he or she is the healer. It could just as easily be the other way around. You need to feel that your practi- tioner really cares about you, respects you as an individual, and is free of judgment about how you have chosen to live your life. Find someone who will support your healing process and encourage you to be all that you can, according to your own choices about your life. Many healers can be a wonderful inspiration to their patients or clients. Do you feel better about yourself after seeing your healer than you did before? Did you feel free to share openly anything that was on your mind?

3. Empowerment. Make sure your doctor or practitioner helps you to help yourself. It is no medicine or individual who will do your healing for you. It is your own vital force. Now there are certain therapies or approaches which will stimulate or activate your vital force more than others, but be clear that it is you that is responsible for and deserves credit for your healing. Learn everything you can about your healing process. Ask your practitioner as many questions as you need to in order for you to feel in charge of your healing. The more you learn, the more you can teach others about your experience and the more likely that you will learn all that you need to from your situation so that you won't have to repeat it again later.

4. Alignment. Choose a practitioner with whom you are really aligned. If you believe that a vegetarian diet is the key to your healing, find a practitioner who supports your choice. If a strong spiritual connection with your practitioner is important, look for someone who is as deeply committed to their spiritual path as you are. A number of my patients have commented that they feel at home in our clinic or that they felt guided from within to come see me. That is usually a good sign. Use your innerknowing to lead you to the right person for you. And if you have significant doubts about whether your healer is a good match, look further.

6. Integrity. Make sure you fully trust the person you have hired as your healing consul-tant. Does the practitioner love what they do? Are they highly principled? Do they practice what they preach? Are they dependable and there when you need them? Do you feel good about their judgment and recommendations? About their sincere intention to help you heal?

5. Experience. Find out how much experience your practitioner has in working with people like you. If you have an unusual or serious problem, it's probably best to find someone who's been at it for a number of years. On the other hand, newly trained healers bring with them a wonderful freshness and enthusiasm as well as lots of very current ideas. Make sure your practitioner has the appropriate training, credentials or degrees, licensure or certification, and supervision. Seek out a healer who is continually sharpening his or her skills.

Practitioners who are always learning are more likely to be able to help you.

6. Be patient. I generally recommend continuing with one particular practitioner or therapist for at least three to six months before giving up on it, unless you really feel you're in the wrong place or have made the wrong choice. . Some people say you should allow one month of healing for each year you've suffered from a particular illness or condition. Healing may happen overnight or it may be a gradual process. There are many, many factors involved in the lealing process, some not so obvious. However, if you do have doubts about a practitioner or therapist acting in your best interest, do seek out a second opinion.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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