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 Specialty Nutrients: The ABC's of Creatine 

As part of our research for this book, we distributed a detailed survey to athletes in three states. Personal interviews with men and women who have used creatine for over a year did not reveal any long-term side effects which one should be concerned about. Nor is there a particular reason to think that there should be a problem, given the way in which creatine is synthesized and excreted by the body. The only short-term side effect mentioned was diarrhea, which some athletes said occurred when they took dosages greater than those recommended in this book. The diarrhea went away when the dosage was reduced.

90 Is It Legal To Use Creatine During Competition?
At the time of the printing of this book, the International Olympic Committee has not put creatine on its list of banned substances. This may be because it is a dietary component of most meats and fish, so it is difficult to distinguish who is taking oral creatine supplements and who is just eating more meat. This situation is unlikely to change, so we are predicting an explosion of creatine use at the Olympics and all international events in the coming years.

(Excerpted from Creatine: Nature's Muscle Builder)
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 About The Author
Ray Sahelian MDRay Sahelian, M.D., is a popular and respected physician who has been seen on numerous television programs including NBC Today, Dateline NBC, and CNN, and quoted by countless major magazines such as Newsweek He......more
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