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 Homeopathy: The Choice to Heal! 

Choosing healing does not necessarily mean no disease will ever occur. Accepting full responsibility for our lives means accepting the results or consequences of our choices, whatever they may be. Disease may occur due to reasons within our without our realm of understanding. Choosing to be "at cause" rather than a victim, will, however, change the experience of our disease and allow us to grow and to learn whatever lessons it brings to us. Healing may occur in many different forms. Healing may result in a disappearance of all symp-toms, such as in the case of the many spontaneous remission from malignant tumors. Or, healing may occur in the final moments of one's life in the process of letting go and surrendering.

Choice and accepting responsibility is not about blame. Whether we choose to heal now or later is up to us. There is no right or wrong, good or bad about it. We determine our own futures. One particular choice may bring ease and smoothe the rough waters. Another may bring more suffering.

A 65 year-old woman came to us several years ago because she was terribly overweight. We had a couple of sessions, then she decided to try Nutri Systems instead. She called again six months ago. She took off 60 pounds through Nutri Systems, which she promptly gained back.

She was now suffering from severe joint pain due to her weight, and she was dragging around all the time. She understood that she had to make the choice to heal, in this case to take responsibili-ty for her own weight. She was ripe for change. Homeopathy relieved her physical pain. Every hypnosis session we have done has been a minor miracle in her self-acceptance. She now understands that her weight gain came about to free her from a stagnant, suffocating marriage and that she can keep the fruits of her learning without having to hold on to the weight. She is now able to love herself and to embrace all of herself. Her excess baggage no longer has a purpose and we anticipate that she can now release it.

Healing may happen more quickly than you imagine. Be ready for it! We recently learned a technique which has tremendous potential for changing and healing individuals, organizations, and the planet. It is called "Holodynamics" and was developed by Vernon Woolf, Ph.D. A woman attended one of Vern's seminars not too long ago. Her greatest fear was of being sexually assaulted. She learned, in the seminar, a way to release past obstructions and then to face, and transform her terror of rape. Several days following the seminar, she took her children to play in a park. A dirty-looking man approached her with a knife. Remembering her Holodynamics skills, she asked him, "What do you want?" He replied, "You know what I want".

She countered with "No, what do you really want?" She caught him off guard with this question. It resulted, believe it or not, in her sitting down with him in the grass for the next two hours helping him to find out what he really did want for his life. You may be scratching your head in amazement as you read this, and so was he! Her willingness to create change allowed healing to occur and transformed the situation from a brutal assault into a powerful healing.


Drs. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman are naturopathic and homeopathic physicians and cofounders of the Northwest Center for Homeopathic Medicine in Edmonds, WA. They are coauthors of The Patient's Guide to Homeopathic Medicine and Beyond Ritalin: Homeopathic Treatment of ADD and Other Behavioral and Learning Problems. They can be reached at (206) 774-5599.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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