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 Magnetic Therapy : The Eastern European Experience with Medical Magnetics 

Other research shows activation of the reticular formation, improvement of neuralgias and neuritis. In stroke patients, there was a reduction of delta EEG activity, suggesting more alertness.

Magnetic fields of various kinds and especially electromagnetic pulsed fields produce many research proven benefits in humans across many medical conditions, including but not limited to vascular, cardiac, lung, gastrointestinal and neurological diseases and conditions. While there are many treatable conditions, the basic physiological actions of magnetic fields on all biologic systems, human and animal included, affect those same body functions that are similarly affected by most diseases, and usually include, at a minimum, the vascular, hematologic, nervous and immune systems. Not all magnetic fields or devices act similarly well on all conditions. Only an extensive review of the medical literature will guide us properly. Anyone who states categorically that any single therapy or therapeutic system will "cure all" is to be considered suspect. In 30 years of medical practice I have never found claims for "cure alls" to be true. The potential and limitations of magnetic fields for treatment continues to unfold gradually, revealing the body’s secrets to those open to other than "traditional" thinking.

To learn about one of the most researched and earliest pulsed electromagnetic consumer systems available, go to

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 About The Author
William Pawluk, MD, MSc, is an Asssistant Professor at Johns Hopkins Medical School. He is a board certified family physician with training in acupuncture, nutritional/herbal medicine, homeopathy, hypnosis and body......more
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