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Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Energy Medicine: The Fields of Healing 
Valerie Free ©

Accelerating the Body's Natural Healing of Injuries

Our bodies respond in several ways to traumatic injury. The vessels that carry blood from the heart constrict. The supply of blood in the capillaries increases. Next, scavenger cells flock to the area, removing bacteria. While this repair process is going on, the traumatized area immobilizes itself, and painful spasms usually result. What we need then is subtler than pain relief medication, we need a resumption of normal blood flow to promote rapid and complete tissue repair.

Soft Tissue Injuries: Conventional treatment recommends Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, or R.I.C.E. for short, followed by stimulation therapy such as infrared light, anti-inflammatory drugs, trigger-point injections, microwave diathermy, ultrasound or electrical stimulation which are used to increase blood flow to an area. However, while all of these treatments eventually restore some degree of blood flow, they all require a considerable amount of time to be effective.

But now, the healing time for many sports injuries can be shortened with the use of magnets. A recent study conducted at M.I.T. showed that biomagnetic products increase blood flow. This allows the bodies own healing processes to be accelerated, as increased concentrations of oxygen and other vital nutrients are brought to the cells.

Thus, biomagnets enable anyone who uses them to target a specific body area with great precision and to start stimulating the healing process almost immediately. As a consequence, studies have shown that both hard and soft tissue injuries heal in only a fraction of the time required by other treatments.

Mending Bones: In the U.S. a recent innovation, developed for treating bone breaks that would not heal, involves wrapping the wound on a leg or arm with a coil that emits a low electric current. The procedure has been highly successful and is acceptable in conventional medical circles. However, electricity cannot penetrate bone and the skin further attenuates it. By contrast, magnetic fields penetrate the skin more easily and flow more deeply into the body through skin, fat, nerves and bones to provide greater therapeutic effectiveness.

Outside of the U.S. biomagnetic therapy has been used in this way for decades. In Russia, it has been used as special therapy for top athletes to promote soft tissue healing such as tendons and nerve tissue as well as bone fractures and other injuries. Around the world bio-magnets are used on prize thoroughbred racing horses to aid in healing spinal and leg injuries.

Mother Earth's Magnetism

Scientists have established beyond any doubt that all living cells are electromagnetic in nature. The functioning of the cells and the nervous system of every living being is based on pulsating DC energy. Each individual cell possesses a positive electrical charge at its nucleus and a negative electrical charge on its outer membrane. This polarization allows each cell to function in an orderly and healthy manner.

All living cells are designed to operate optimally against the backdrop of the earth's natural magnetic field, which supports the biorhythmic balance of all living things. Prior to the beginning of this century, that was the environment for life on this planet.

However, since the industrial revolution and especially since World War II, nearly every human action has involved an electrical appliance and changes to these naturally occurring electromagnetic fields. As a result, we are currently enveloped by sources of electromagnetism that no life form has ever been exposed to before.

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