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 Traditional Chinese Medicine: The Principles of Therapy 

Waiguan (SJ 5) can be used for colds, fever, headache and strained neck.

Houxi (SI 3) can be used for tinnitus and malaria.

Sanyinjiao (Sp 6) can be used for disorders of the pi-spleen, impotence, irregular menstruation, enuresis, dysuria and insomnia.

Taichong (Liv 3) can be used for headaches, vertigo, eye diseases, pain in the costal and hypochondriac region, insomnia and diseases of the gan-liver.

Taixi (K 3) can be used for enuresis, dysuria, inspiratory dyspnoea, tinnitus, tooth cavities, chronic diarrhoea, poor vision, vertigo and impotence. This is an important point in deficiency diseases and diseases of the shen-kidney.

Zusanli (St 36) can be used for diseases of pi-spleen and general tonification.

Baibui (Du 20) can be used for headaches, dizziness, lifting (in vaginal or rectal prolapse), and mental diseases.

Quchi (LI 11) can be used for dispersing wind and heat.

Fenglong (St 40) can be used for resolving damp and phlegm.

Dazhui (Du 14) can be used for resolving fever and malaria.

Shanzhong (Ren 17) can be used for asthma, bronchitis and hiccoughs.

Zhongwan (Ren 12) can be used for disorders of the fu organs, such as vomiting or abdominal pain.

Guanynan (Ren 4) can be used for general tonification, diseases of xu, enuresis and impotence.

Qihai (Ren 6) can be used as a point of general tonification.

Yintang (Extra) can be used for insomnia and neurasthenia.

A combination of the rules of point selection, as well as selecting the points according to the symptoms, has been used to make up the prescriptions in the following sections. Many of the points that are listed as points according to symptoms have complex traditional reasons behind their selection. They have been shown to be useful points by using a combination of traditional medicine and Chinese experience. The choice of prescription for a particular disease is not always easy and experience may be the most important factor in making that choice.

III. The Tender or Ah Shi Point

The tender point is called the Ah shi point by the Chinese. A tender point(s) is often found in painful diseases and the acupuncturist will be guided to this point(s) by and through clinical examination and experience. In many cases the Ah shi point(s) may be felt as a pea-sized nodule(s) under the skin, or the patient may draw the attention of the acupuncturist to a painful area.

The Ah shi point(s) should always be used, especially in diseases of pain, along with local acupuncture points. In some cases they may replace the use of the acupuncture points as none of the acupuncture points will be near the affected area, or none of them may be tender.

The Ah shi point(s) should be treated as an acupuncture point(s) and used as part of a normal prescription with other local and distal points. The acupuncturist must also remember that the Ah shi point(s) will often change from treatment to treatment and the patient should be examined thoroughly on each occasion.

IV. Stimulation of Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture is not the only way to stimulate an acupuncture point. Classical traditional medicine also involves the use of cupping and moxa to stimulate the points, and in some diseases these methods are preferable to using a needle. Certain points are impracticable for cupping, such as points on the arm and leg, and other points are forbidden to moxa, such as Jingming (UB 1).

(Excerpted from Modern Chinese Acupuncture)
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 About The Author
George Lewith MA, MRCGP, MRCPGeorge Lewith attended Trinity College, Cambridge and Westminster Hospital Medical School. He has worked as a Senior House Officer and Registrar within the Westminster and University College Hospital Teaching Groups in......more
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