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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Homeopathy: The Promise of Homeopathy - Profound Life Transformation 

Tarentula in the repertorization.Stramonium is also a remedy which can be useful for victims of violence of all kinds, including the type of violence which Elizabeth was likely to have experienced prenatally and as an infant. Stramonium is also used for the after effects of the violence of a difficult childbirth, and physical , verbal, or sexual abuse.

Five weeks after the Stramonium was given, the foster mother reported to us that there were changes. Elizabeth was no longer averse to being touched. She now wanted to be rocked, held, and thrown up in the air. She loved to play with water now, but she still screamed while being bathed. She had begun to crawl. She no longer slammed her head against the mattress. She loved rock and roll and any music with a rhythmic beat and a vibration, such as calypso. She moved her hands with the music. Elizabeth still plugged her right ear with her finger, olled her head and eyes, and was unable to get into a sitting position or to bend her torso. The foster mother called three days later to say that Elizabeth had crawled five feet across the living room. Four months later, she was making some vocal sounds and could crawl on her stomach using her arms.

Nine and a half months after the dose of Stramonium 1M, we received the following report. Elizabeth's head size was now just over normal. She no longer carried the diagnoses of cerebral palsy or quadriplegia. She now had full use of her arms and had been actively crawling for the past seven weeks. She was still blind and had a 70% hearing impairment. She was making some audible sounds. She now had head control, whereas before she did not. She could hold her head up and sit in a high chair. She continued to be mildly retarded, but was doing well in a special education class in the public school system.

2. Ed: We gave Ed one dose of Lachesis 200c. Lachesis fit extremely well a number of symptoms in the case: extreme jealousy, fear of snakes, pressure in the throat, sensation of choking , general intensity, high sexual energy, fits of anger, and sentimentality. There was a definite improvement. He felt more romantic with his wife. He felt much more spiritually in tune with himself. His heartburn was 70% better. His sleep was 30-40% improved. He was much more patient and didn't feel as guilty. People told him he was doing great. His jealousy was somewhat less.

After a couple of months he felt that his symptoms began to relapse. He again felt tortured by memories of his wife's past relationship. His insomnia had returned. We gave him a dose of Lachesis 1M. Ed had a partial response to the second dose of Lachesis. We began to suspect that the remedy was close, but not the best choice (in homeopathic terms, the simila rather than the simillimum ).

We restudied his case and used the following rubrics: "Mind; DELUSIONS; wife; is faithless", "Mind; DELUSIONS; die; thought he was about to", "MIND; CLAIRVOYANCE", "Mind; ANGUISH", "Nose, EPISTAXIS", "Throat; CHOKING, constricting", "Throat, PAIN, pressing", "Mind; FEAR; suffocation, of", "Male; PASSION, sexual; excessive", "Mind; LOQUACITY", "Mind; COMPANY; desire for:, "Mind, JEALOUSY", "Mind, FEAR, high places", "Stomach; DESIRES; fish", "Stomach; DESIRES; salty things", and "Back; PAIN; Backache; Dorsal region". Some of these symptoms were found in the complete case, but not in the summary presented in this article. and

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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