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 Flower Remedies: To Your Animal's Emotional Health (Dogs) - The Column Dedicated to Restoring Your Animal's Emotional Well Being 
Penny Case ©
Q: Brandy, a 12-year-old shepherd, refused to eat. For two weeks nothing, not even her favorite stewed chicken, tempted her. A thorough veterinary check-up found her in good shape, with no apparent problems. When her worried owner led me to where Brandy lay, the dog looked up without raising her head. She showed no interest in me, a stranger, and seemed depressed and withdrawn.

A: Though I hadn't yet determined the cause, I knew immediately how I was going to deal with the problem. Having dealt extensively with animal behavioral difficulties in the past, I described to Brandy's owners a safe, gentle approach using homeopathic wildflower preparations, that always work wonders for behavioral difficulties as well as emotional and physical stress in animals.

This natural approach was developed in the early 1930's by a British physician. After many years of observing patients, the doctor concluded that illness was the result of negative emotional, and psychological stress. Determined to avoid the use of harmful drugs, he searched in nature for a safe and effective way to restore emotional tranquility. Following years of research, the doctor, discovered thirty-eight flowering plants, trees, and special waters, preparations which have proved effective for over sixty years in relieving a wide range of emotional difficulties in both human and nonhuman animals.

Anxious to help, Brandy's owners agreed to having me prepare a flower remedy mixture for her. Upon questioning, I discovered that neighbors whom Brandy had become attached to moved away. Based on this and further evaluation, I decided to give Brandy the following Flower Remedies:

STAR OF BETHLEHEM was given for the grief she may have suffered over the loss of the neighbor's companionship; WILD ROSE was given for the indifference and apathy she was now displaying; and the flower remedy MUSTARD was given for her depression and deep despair.

Demonstrating how to prepare and administer the remedies, I combined 2 to 4 drops of all three remedies in a one ounce dropper bottle of spring water, them, lifting Brandy's lip I administered several drops of this mixture in her mouth. Additionally, several drops of the mixture would be added to her water bowl. Her owner would continue this treatment four to five times a day until improvement was shown.

After four days, Brandy ate a small meal, and slowly began showing interest in her surroundings. Then, after one week, she began to seek attention and affection. Finally, she began to play again with the other animals.

One doesn't have to be a professional to use any of these remedies. They are simple to use, completely harmless, and will not cause any side effects, even if the wrong remedy is given.

Q: Rocky, my mixed breed two-year-old male, has been through two obedience courses. Mostly he's good except for one thing: He jumps on everybody! I've scolded him, corrected him, punished him, even put him in one of those harness' to keep dogs from jumping, and he still jumps. Rocky's plenty smart, so why can't he learn not to jump?

A: Sounds like Rocky just loves to jump! The good news is he can learn to control himself and become a good citizen. One of the natural approaches we've found of particular value in dealing with animal behavior problems are flower remedies. These natural preparations can be used to safely and gently reduce stress, and assist in changing undesirable animal behaviors. The Flower Remedy CHESTNUT BUD will help Rocky learn not to repeat behaviors that upset others. The flower remedy WALNUT, which works well together with CHESTNUT BUD, can assist Rocky in letting go of his old patterns of behavior and adjusting to new way of greeting people.

Ten to twelve drops of each Flower Remedy, from the concentrate bottles, can be mixed into Rocky's daily water. Additionally, three to four drops of each remedy can be mixed into a 1 oz. dropper bottle filled with spring water. Four to five drops of this mixture can be given to Rocky four to five times daily, directly into his mouth, on his food and treats.

Give Rocky these remedies for a week or so, then begin correcting him again. As you work with him, set aside your memories of past failure--they'll only slow you down. Continue giving him the remedies, and your corrections, until he stops jumping. Remember to praise Rocky for even the smallest positive response.

(Excerpted from To Your Animals Emotional Health column appearing in the November-December 1994 and January-February 1995 issues of Natural Pet)
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