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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Flower Remedies: To Your Animal's Emotional Health (Horses) - The Column Dedicated to Restoring Your Animal's Emotional Well Being 
Penny Case ©
Lew, Dolly, & Sunday.
Idaho, 1994.

Q: Charger has the athletic ability I want for dressage. When I rode him at his previous owner's, he seemed calm and willing to do what I asked, but since I brought him home he's physically tense whenever we work. He rushes through everything. He prances and pulls on the bit when I ask him to walk. He'll stop on command, then won't stand still. I'm afraid he doesn't have the mind for dressage, and I've wasted my money.

A: Don't give up on him yet. With a little help, this horse may turn out to be everything you hoped for. One resource I recommend are Flower Remedies. Everything about Charger's behavior since you brought him home indicates a need for the flower remedy IMPATIENS. Additionally, because his behavior has become habitual, there is a need for the "habit breaker" remedy CHESTNUT BUD, and the flower remedy WALNUT, which will act synergistically with CHESTNUT BUD to assist Charger in letting go of his old behaviors and adapting to a new, calmer way of being. Mix together equal parts of these remedies, and administer several times daily by adding several drops to his feed and treats, putting 15-20 drops in his water bucket, rubbing a few drops on his lips or nostrils, or squeezing them directly into his mouth. The flower remedies will do their work over a period of a few days, to several weeks. Continue them until his behavior changes.

Q: The two colts I bought last fall to raise and train as a team are almost yearlings. They eat, sleep and play together. Both get lots of attention, and the same amount of basic handling, but they are turning out quite different. One is making steady progress, while the other continues to be afraid of everything. Why is this happening? What can I do?

A: Your fearful colt may have had one or more traumatic experiences before you got him. His mother may have been a fearful, tense or anxious mare. It's possible you'll never know why he's so afraid, but fortunately you don't need that information to help him change. To assist this young horse in achieving emotional well being, I recommend Flower Remedies, and the stress-relieving preparation derived from five of the flower remedies. For immediate stress, including the stress exhibited during training sessions, use the stress-relieving formula. Squeeze several drops of the concentrate directly into his mouth, or rub on his lips or nostrils every few minutes until the immediate stress subsides.

The following remedies can help relieve the negative emotions underlying his behavior. They will do their work over a period of a few days to several weeks. The flower remedy STAR OF BETHLEHEM is indicated to assist in releasing any past trauma this horse may have suffered. The remedies ASPEN and MIMULUS are indicated for the horse's unknown fears, and his known fears, respectively. The remedy CHERRY PLUM can be added if the horse tends to loose control when frightened. Mix together equal parts of these remedies and administer several times daily. Put several drops on his feed, on treats, in his mouth and on his skin behind and in front of his ears. Add 15-20 drops to a bucket of water. Continue until his fearful behavior is resolved.

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