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 Integrative Medicine: Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids: Prevention and Treatment 

The treatment of DVT calls for rest with the leg elevated, pressure (elasticated stockings or bandaging) and possible medication to dissolve the clot and reduce inflammation.

Medical Approaches to Varicose Veins
Surgery is often used to remove the unsightly damaged veins, either by 'stripping' them out, or by tying or blocking them off, and thus allowing secondary channels of circulation to take over the load.

This has an obvious cosmetic effect, but the truism 'out of sight out of mind' is often evidenced by a return of new varicosities within a short time, because the causes are not dealt with by such methods.

Surgery, or the palliative use of support stockings, as much as these ease the aching in the legs, do nothing for the causes and therefore are not a long-term answer, and more than surgical treatment of haemorrhoids undoes the reasons for their presence.

There are of course a variety of balms and creams to help ease the skin or rectal irritation or eczema symptoms, and some excellent treatments which help to heal ulcers.

But none of these methods has anything at all to do with the causes of these problems.

Complementary and Self-Help Approaches

  1. Nutritional Approaches:

    • Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids: This helps to maintain the health of the connective tissue. To do this effectively it needs bioflavonoids (see below) such as rutin and hesperidin. Many Vitamin C supplements state that they contain bioflavonoids, or these can be taken separately (in the form of buckwheat tea or tablets for rutin)
      Take between 1 and 5 grams daily of C with bioflavonoids.

    • Vitamin E: This powerful antioxidant is reported by Canadian researchers Drs Evan and Wilfred Shute to improve varicose veins status when supplemented in doses of 500 to 800iu daily.
      They believe it assists in the development of collateral channels of circulation, relieving the veins under pressure.
      Direct applications of vitamin E to ulcers is helpful.

    • Selenium acts symbiotically with Vitamin E and a dose of 50mcg daily should be taken of this.
      Ulcers seldom appear if E is supplemented adequately, and its use is a powerful aid when phlebitis is present, reducing pain and preventing clot formation.

    • Essential fatty acids: Evening primrose oil (500mgs daily) and EPA (4 to 6 capsules daily) are both useful in reducing chances of inflammation and the adhesiveness of the blood.

    • Fibre: It is absolutely essential to keep bowel function working smoothly, with no straining at all. Adequate fibre intake means also reducing to nil if possible any refined carbohydrates (white flour products, any colour of sugar, white rice). At the very least these should be cut severely, and as much complex carbohydrate (which is rich in fibre) eaten. This includes wholemeal bread and pasta, brown rice, vegetables and fruit, seeds and nuts, pulses (all the bean family).
      A supplemental intake of two or more dessertspoonsful of linseed (the Linusit brand is excellent is recommended daily to ensure bowel function.
      A general reforming of the diet is desirable to include minimal animal fat (cut down meat drastically, only use low or no-fat dairy produce, increase poultry, fish or vegetarian meals) as is the abundant use of unprocessed foods.

  2. Self-Help Measures:

    • a/ Deal with weight and constipation problems (use dietary methods above)
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 About The Author
Leon Chaitow ND, DO, MROA practicing naturopath, osteopath, and acupuncturist in the United Kingdom, with over forty years clinical experience, Chaitow is Editor-in-Chief, of the ...more
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