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 Naturopathic Medicine: Want a Healthy Baby? Moms and Dads get a Head Start  
Lauri Aesoph M. ND ©

The scenario of a couple sipping wine to get into the mood with plans of getting pregnant is quickly becoming passe. Our knowledge about alcohol's preconceptual effects are less defined than during pregnancy. However, we know that liquor depresses immune function (15), disrupts the liver and directly enhances malnutrition (16). Research with rodents implies that even moderate alcohol consumption may induce genetic damage and increase the occurrence of mental and physical handicaps in a child due to liquor's effect on the egg and sperm (3).

There's no question you shouldn't take drugs before trying to conceive a baby. Marijuana, for example, is double jeopardy. When a joint is deeply inhaled, the lungs receive more tar and carbon monoxide than from cigarette smoking (3). In addition, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)--the psychoactive compound similar in structure to sex hormones--tends to accumulate in the ovaries and testes, posing a potential threat to a child's genetic material (17). Marijuana may also be linked to increased fetal deaths and malformations (3).

Cocaine adversely affects sperm, and thus the children conceived from them. Perhaps because this drug attaches directly to sperm (18), it creates sluggish and abnormally formed sperm, as well as diminishing its concentration in semen (19).

Many obstetricians advise patients to eliminate or cut down on coffee and other caffeinated beverages during pregnancy. This is also wise for people planning a family. Researchers have varying opinions on caffeine's effects (20,21). But recent studies show caffeine disrupts insect reproduction, causes skeletal impairment in rodents (20) and induces mutations among cultured hamster lung cells (22). One investigation discovered women who drank a lot of caffeine were less fertile than occasional or non-users (20).

Stressed Out
Stress, the term used to describe the emotional and mental thorns in our lives, has been linked to a host of illnesses, including heart disease (23), dental cavities (24) and the common cold (25). Paavo Airola, ND wrote that stress "can tear your health down faster than can inadequate nutrition" (26). When preparing to become pregnant, keep stress in balance.

Undue stress upsets reproductive health in both women and men. Negative emotions can decrease sperm count and motion (27). Prolactin, a female hormone responsible for milk production and breast growth during pregnancy, also tends to stop menstruation and reduce fertility. This hormone and its effects may increase under you're under stress (28).

There's even scientific evidence that wanting to become parents is important for the health of a future child. A Czechoslovakian study found that children born to mothers who asked for but were denied abortions grew up with more psychological problems than children whose mothers wanted to have a baby (29).

  1. Price WA. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (50th anniversary edition). New Canaan: Keats Publishing, Inc., 1989.
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  14. Phipps WR et al. The association between smoking and female infertility as influences by cause of the infertility. Fertility and Sterility 1987; 48(3): 377-82.
  15. Karagounis CS, Papanikolaou NA, Zavos PM. Semen parameters compared between smoking and non-smoking men: smoking intensity and semen parameters. Infertility 1985; 8: 373-79.
  16. Louria DB. Effect of alcohol and various diseases on leukocyte mobilization, phagocytosis and intracellular bacterial killing. The New England Journal of Medicine 1970; 282(3): 123-28.
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  21. Wilcox A, Weinberg C, Baird D. Caffeinated beverages and decreased fertility. The Lancet 1988, December 24/31: 1453-56.
  22. Joesoef MR, Beral V, Rolfs RT, Aral SO, Cramer DW. Are caffeinated beverages risk factors for delayed conception? The Lancet 1990; 335: 136-37.
  23. Nakasato F et al. Mutagenicity of instant coffee on cultured Chinese hamster lung cells. Mutation Research 1984; 141: 109-112.
  24. Yeung AC et al. The effect of atherosclerosis on the vasomotor response of coronary arteries to mental stress. The New England Journal of Medicine 1991; 325(22): 1551-56.
  25. Sutton PRN. Acute dental caries, mental stress, immunity and the active passage of ions through the teeth. Medical Hypotheses 1990; 31: 17.
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  27. Airola, Paavo. Everywoman's Book. pg 33.
  28. Harrison KL, Callan VJ, Hennessey JF. Stress an semen quality in an in vitro fertilization program. Fertility and Sterility 1987; 48(4): 633-36.
  29. O'Moore AM, O'Moore RR, Harrison RF, Murphy G, Carruthers ME. Psychosomatic aspects in idiopathic infertility: effects of treatment with autogenic training. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1983; 27(2): 145-51.
  30. Anon. Czechoslovakian study unwanted children face struggle. Pregnancy and Child Birth: Brain/Mind Bulletin Collections 1991; 15(02B).
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