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 Mind/Body Medicine: Wellness, Self-Care, and Optimal Performance 

To visualize how positive imagery affects the physical response, imagine a guitar, piano, or other instrument upon which a chord can be played. Imagine that some of the strings are out of tune. Even if our hands are in the right position, even if we are truly expert at playing the instrument, the fact that the strings are out of tune will cause the resulting sound to be far less harmonious (indeed, even painful to our ears) than it would be if the instrument were properly tuned. On the other hand, when the instrument is in tune and a chord is played, there is a particular harmonious quality to it.

Incoherent neural impulses may be thought of as a sort of disharmonious chord, whereas the normal neural impulses to an organ are in special harmony, the harmony required for perfect functioning of that particular organ. As you imagine sending coherent information to the organ you wish to heal, think of the neural impulses going there as gradually beginning to form a chord. Pretend that your mind is tuning the nerves going to that organ, just as one might tune a guitar. By using this image, you enable the unconscious to make the correct adjustments and changes to bring about the necessary alterations.

Of course there's nothing sacred about the metaphorical images that I suggest. You might instead imagine coherent neural impulses as being clear white light. Or it may be more effective for you to imagine a clear stream of water, or a warm wave of energy. In general, whichever images come easiest to you and you are most easily able to experience are the best ones to use. Remember, it is unlikely that we will ever be able to fully understand the means by which the human body accomplishes its remarkable feats; our attempt here is just to develop some imagery that can help conceptualize the healing process and let go of the disease process, thus facilitating positive change.

You might find that an amazingly rapid healing occurs, one in which only a matter of hours elapses between your awareness of a disease in, or injury to, an organ, and its resolution. For most problems, however, particularly chronic diseases and problems that involve the breaking of the skin, as in cutting oneself, days or weeks may be needed to bring about a complete healing. During this time it is preferable to repeat the healing imagery process a number of times using the images of the coherency theory. Imagine that each time this is done, the healing will be accelerated even further. In situations involving broken bones, it's a good idea to repeat this imagery at least three times a day. The fracturing of the bone usually means a certain period of immobility at the outset, which provides an excellent opportunity to focus healing attention on the injured part.

Coherency Healing Imagery
Of course the ideal time to experience healing imagery is when a part of the body needs to be healed. But if you have no need at present to perform a self-healing, just imagine an injury, perhaps one you've had in the past. You can practice with this fantasy ailment now, and use the principles later, if necessary, on a real one. This is simply a form of image rehearsal, do not fear creating a disease, this will not happen if you are using the deeply relaxed state. Having learned the basic principles, they will be available to you whenever needed.

The fundamental purpose is to relax, to experience the body as a cohesive whole (rather than letting fear alienate you from an organ), and then to focus the awareness on that part of yourself most in need of coherency. Accept the present state of that organ and "see" the transformation to health. Finally, imagine the healing has already happened.

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