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 Nutritional Medicine: Your Personal Supplement Program 

Basic Multiple Formula 3 3
Vitamin C 1000 mg 4 4
Bioflavonoid mix 1000 mg 1 1
Quercetin 400 mg 1
Magnesium aspartate 200 mg 1 1
GLA 240 mg (borage oil) 1
Vitamin E 400 IU natural mixed 1 1
Natural carotenes 25,000 IU 1 1
Coenzyme Q10 100–200 mg 1
Proanthocyanidins 50 mg mixed 1 1

As You Age
These previous programs are by no means the most extreme programs that some people are following. As you age, for example into your fifties and sixties, you may wish to add those nutrients that further help to protect memory, vision, liver function, and gastrointestinal health, in addition to preventing cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. This further list of supplements might include extra selenium, Ginkgo biloba, silymarin, bilberry, glutamine, melatonin, and carnitine. Admittedly, this is a vigorous program with many pills to take and greater expense. However, even if it were 10 dollars a day, it would be less than what some people spend on cigarettes, coffee, colas, hotdogs, and doughnuts! The following table represents such a program:

Basic Multiple Formula 3 3
Vitamin C 1000 mg 4 4
Bioflavonoid mix 1000 mg 1 1
Quercetin 400 mg 1 1
Magnesium aspartate 200 mg
1 1
GLA 240 mg (from borage oil) 1
Vitamin E 400 IU natural mixed 1 1
Natural carotenes 25,000 IU 1 1
Coenzyme Q10 200 mg 1
l-Glutamine 500 mg 2 2
l-Carnitine 250 mg 2 2
Ginkgo biloba extract 60 mg 1 1
Bilberry 100 mg 1 1
Selenium 200 mcg 1
Proanthocyanidins 50 mg mixed 1 1
Silymarin 150 mg (80% standardized) 1 1
Melatonin 3 mg 1-2
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 About The Author
Michael Janson MDMichael Janson, M.D., is past-president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine and the American Preventive Medical Association. He founded one of the first holistic medical practices in New England......more
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