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 10 Tips on Healing Naturally and The Nature of Healing 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Staying Healthy Tips by . View all columns in series
1. What is healing? Let’s look at that in contrast to what is disease, or dis-ease. Illness is a lack of harmony with Nature and with our true selves, a dis-integration between mind-body-emotion-spirit. We become out-of-sync so to speak when one of our levels, usually the mind, is superseding or over-riding our heart and soul’s path. Healing involves the allowing and supporting of our different and multiple components to come back into alignment. Illness and disease is conflict and represents the ways we block our growth and development. For example, we block our growth with fear, doubt, worry, etc. and illness represents these blocks. Healing is the resolution of conflict and progressing along our evolutionary path. Many teachers suggest that our primary purpose on Earth is to grow and learn—to evolve.

2. Relationships are important to all of us, and so they should be. Yet, this is where most conflict arises, from the lack of integrated relationship with our self, with others in our lives, and with Nature. Women tend to be more open to work on relationship communication than men, and keeping all lines open is usually necessary for successful and loving relationships. Men will do best also if they support this process. When we hold onto emotions and don’t express ourselves, these energies create turmoil, conflict, and dis-ease in our body. That’s why talking preventively, even when things aren’t bad or there isn’t a fight, can really keep our relationships healthy. Communicating openly, clearly, honestly, and thoughtfully is very important, especially when there is a delicate or sensitive issue at hand. Being this caring can prevent misunderstandings or hurt feelings, and keep things harmonious and open to growth. Yet, most of us must evolve to live this consciously. We can move toward this with some professional counseling on an individual, couple, or family basis can help us stay out of trouble. Our issues can be with our love partner or spouse, child or parent, or a work associate. Communication pays off, much like practicing Preventive Medicine, in the long run. Yet, talk is only one way to work things out and heal. Try a walk and talk, especially along a flowing river or at the beach. Plus, write a list of your issues and know that healing can take place on many levels and may take time. Give it that space and know that even if you change, it often goes slowly. Have patience, and take some time to organize your thoughts and feelings rather than react and vent. Learning to “fair fight” with a loved one is one thing, yet being able to prevent confusions and altercations is best.

Do we go for things that cannot be true, too much, too many, too often and who are we negotiating into a relationship? Are we looking for ourselves in others or who we wish we were and that shocks the relationship off its foundations--it's a relatio-quake ratio...and so many wander from one to the other and often once it's begun it's too late because you are not properly prepared for the respond ability required for rational relatio. Argisle

3. Opening to the Spirit and asking for help from the higher levels of our self is often helpful for healing. As I mentioned, much illness comes from this lack of connection or ability to listen to this Higher Self. If and when we do, we can receive the guidance we need and the new ideas and actions necessary to fulfill our purpose and move us forward in our life. We can heal and evolve. Healing the male-female conflicts will help each of us, as we have these issues within our core. Some of our most brilliant psychology minds, like Dr. Carl Jung, suggest that we each have our opposite sex energy as our subconscious. He termed these the anima and animus. The relationship between our thinking mind and deeper selves affect our lives and outward relationships. Thus, working in this inner healing realm and resolving the conflicts we all have between father-mother and male-female can fully improve and heal our worldly relationships. The more we evolve within us, the better our personal connections become. I believe this.

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 About The Author
Elson M. Haas, MD is founder & Director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin (since 1984), an Integrated Health Care Facility in San Rafael, CA and author of many books on Health and Nutrition, including ...moreElson Haas MD
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