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 10 Tips on The Purification Process 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Staying Healthy Tips by . View all columns in series

6. The second key level of the Purification Process is to look at your diet, in particular the foods you consume on a daily basis. Many people, especially those people who are overweight or don't feel their best, have food reactions. The main culprits are what I call the Sensitive Seven?wheat, cow's milk products, sugar, corn and corn syrup, eggs, soy, and peanuts. Any food item that we focus upon or are attached to could be a culprit; other possible concerns are chocolate, tomatoes, oranges, shellfish, yeast, oats, potatoes, and the additives MSG and aspartame. See my book, The False Fat Diet, for a full explanation and appropriate food plans to discover and remedy these common reactions. Taking a two week break from the Sensitive Seven foods to see how you feel is a good test. It takes a little effort, yet once you get organized, it's not that difficult, and you may discover health secrets that could help you feel better for life.

7. SUPPLEMENTS that support this program are those that reduce food reactions and allergies as well as those that support better metabolism. These include vitamin C and Quercetin, MSM, Coenzyme Q10, Essential Fatty Acids, and Digestive support with HCl, Enzymes, and Probiotics (healthy bacteria). Supplements that may energize metabolism include the amino acids L-carnitine and L-tyrosine, Chromium, and DHEA. Exercise is still the best for metabolic enhancement. Herbs that reduce reactions and support metabolism include Ma-huang, Licorice root, Ginger root, Horseradish and Cayenne pepper, Garlic, and Nettle leaf. There are discussions and guidelines for all of these in my book, The False Fat Diet.

8. Regular EXERCISE is an essential part of the purification process. A balanced program is wise. Aerobic activity helps strengthen the heart and improve circulation and endurance. Weight training builds muscle, and the more muscle tissue you have, the better your metabolism. This fact is an important one for people trying to lose weight. Yoga stretching and deep breathing can help you center and energize. One of the great benefits of exercise is body purification?the cleansing of the blood and all the body tissues. Sweating helps to eliminate toxins; steams and saunas are also cleansing. Slow and steady is the way to go for consistent results.

9. The emotional issues around habits and foods are usually significant and must be handled to really correct problems. Emotional purification doesn1t always come the way we want. Dealing with our fears and anger, learning about forgiveness of self and others, and understanding our own needs and cycles will keep us on the new path we create, rather than be undermined by our deprived inner little boy or girl. Have an inner caucus and work out a new balance to clarify your needs and recreate what really satisfies your body most healthfully. This helps you to stop feeding your emotional extremes that may drag your energies into a bottomless pit, and boring yourself and your loved ones repeating challenges over and over rather than creating space for solutions.

10. Spiritual alignment and improved relationships to people, food, and self are a benefit of the purification process, as is the wide range of physical and mental improvements in energy, vitality, moods, and overall well being. What if you are in a limited work situation or relationship? Remember: There is nothing permanent except change and purification helps us create the change we are aiming for rather than allowing change to whelm us, by happening to us rather than through us. Most people in my groups make major and consistent changes that they are able to maintain long term. That's one of the major goals of this process?to come out the other side with better habits, making the best choices for your overall being and optimal health.

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 About The Author
Elson M. Haas, MD is founder & Director of the Preventive Medical Center of Marin (since 1984), an Integrated Health Care Facility in San Rafael, CA and author of many books on Health and Nutrition, including ...moreElson Haas MD
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