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Breast Cancer?
More than three-quarters of women who get breast cancer are over whtat age?
over 40 years
over 45 years
over 50 years
over 55 years


 Advocacy Resources - Help is Available 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Patient Advocacy in Hospitals by . View all columns in series

(888) 5WISHES (594-7437)
This website offers a multitude of materials for caregivers as well as the opportunity to subscribe to a free online e-newsletter. The site also includes featured articles from Caregiver Magazine. hosts both caregiver conferences as well as an online chat board.

(800) 829-2734
CaringBridge® is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization offering free personalized websites to those wishing to stay in touch with family and friends during significant life events. Their mission is to bring together a global community of care powered by the love of family and friends in an easy, accessible and private way. CaringBridge authors quickly and easily create personalized websites that display journal entries and photographs. Well-wishers visit the site to read updates and leave messages in the Guestbook.

(651) 452-7940

Discovery Health TV (ignore the ad...)
Diseases and Conditions Encyclopedia - information provided under the following categories.

  • Nutrition Index - discover how to eat well, keep illness and disease at bay and enjoy life - and longevity
  • Medical Tests - learn about a broad range of tests, how to prepare for your test, what to expect during the procedure and what the results mean
  • Surgical Procedures - learn about any of a broad range of surgical procedures, how to prepare for your surgery, how it is performed, what recovery is like and potential complications
  • Injuries - learn about the symptoms, diagnoses and treatments for a broad range of injuries

    Family Caregiving 101
    The site, sponsored by the National Family Caregivers Association and the National Alliance for Caregiving, is designed to provide caregivers with the basic tools, skills and information they need to protect their own physical and mental health while they provide high quality care for their loved one. It is also a place for family caregivers to return again and again as new levels of caregiving are reached. Advertising messages, crafted with the assistance of family caregivers themselves, assure caregivers across America that they are not alone, and encourage caregivers to take better care of themselves and their loved one by visiting the site and asking for help.

    Health Grades

  • For profit organization that was "described as one of the 50 'Most Incredibly Useful Sites' by Yahoo Internet Life and 'innovative' by Forbes magazine"
  • Works closely with the Leapfrog Group to disseminate information on hospital patient safety activities to consumers, payers and employers
  • For $29.95, you can receive a report on a specific doctor that includes education, background, board certifications and state/federal disciplinary actions. Information is also available on hospitals and nursing homes
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     About The Author
    Jari Holland Buck is a business consultant, medical layperson, Reiki Master and Shamanic Practitioner who spent 6-1/2 months in four hospitals with her critically ill husband. During 5+ months on life support, every......moreJari Buck
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