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 Beat Sugar Addiction NOW! 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled From Fatigued to Fantastic by . View all columns in series

Type 2: Feed Me Now or I'll Kill You. When life's stress has exhausted your adrenal glands

For those of you who get irritable when you're hungry and crash under stress, it is important to treat your adrenal exhaustion.

Increasing water and salt intake (unless you have high blood pressure or heart failure), a high protein diet with frequent smaller meals (called grazing), and realizing that life is not an ongoing crisis (contrary to the impression given by some in the news media) help your adrenal stress handler glands to stabilize. Natural support with Licorice, Vitamin B5, Vitamin C and Adrenal glandulars (all present in a product called Adrenal Stress End) make recovering much easier.

Type 3: The Happy Twinkie Hunter. Sugar cravings caused by yeast/candida overgrowth For those of you with chronic nasal congestion, sinusitis, spastic colon, or irritable bowel syndrome, treating yeast overgrowth is critical. This can be done effectively with "pearl- coated" probiotics and both prescription and natural antifungals.

Type 4: Depressed and Craving Carbs. Hormonal deficiencies-Sugar cravings caused by your period, menopause, or andropause For women who feel worse around their menstrual cycle, or whose problems increased when they entered perimenopause in their forties, estrogen and progesterone deficiency may be driving sugar cravings. In a woman's earlier years, this is likely to reflect as premenstrual syndrome (PMS, with associated progesterone deficiency), with severe irritability around your periods. In your mid-forties, as estrogen deficiency begins, estrogen or progesterone deficiency often produces increased sugar cravings, fatigue, moodiness, and insomnia around your periods, as well as decreased vaginal lubrication. For men, testosterone deficiency associated with andropause can also cause sugar craving along with other severe problems. Depression, decreased libido, decreased erectile function, high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes, or high cholesterol can suggest testosterone deficiency. Interestingly, supplementing with bio-identical natural testosterone (by prescription) has been shown to help all of these problems.

Standard blood testing for hormonal deficiencies will not reveal the problems until they are very severe, sometimes leaving people deficient for decades. Eliminating the sugar addiction and other problems caused by low estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone can be life transforming.

Beat Sugar Addiction NOW!
To make it easy, Beat Sugar Addiction NOW! is structured as a workbook, so that when you're done reading it you will have a treatment protocol tailored to your specific problems.

Ready to get a life you love? It's time!

Love and blessings,
Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

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 About The Author
Jacob Teitelbaum MD is author of the popular free iPhone application "Cures A-Z" and author of the best-selling book From Fatigued to Fantastic! (3rd revised edition, Avery/Penguin Group) and Pain Free 1-2-3-A......moreJacob Teitelbaum MD
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