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 Beyond Arthritis Pills Other Therapies That Work 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Women's Nutrition Detective by . View all columns in series

Exercises that cause joints and muscles to contract and relax are called isotonic. These may be done with elastic bands, free weights, and even machines. Even aerobic exercises are appropriate for some people. If walking is too painful, try aquatic exercises. Often, the reduction in gravity from exercises done in a pool can increase your range of motion without causing flare-ups or damaging your hips or knees. Another benefit of aerobics is increased weight loss and a cardiovascular workout.

Check with your doctor first about the appropriate type of exercises for you to do. Then make sure a physical therapist or someone who understands your needs and limitations supervises any exercise program you go on. It’s important to get this expert information since some exercises can have negative effects. For instance, Drs. Zeb and Edwards caution against doing isometric exercises if you have hypertension.

Heat or Cold? Which Is Best?
Traditionally, cold packs are used for the first day or two after an injury and heat is indicated when you have chronic pain and stiffness. But people are different. I know a woman in her 90s who swears by cold packs although she has had osteoarthritis for decades. If you’re using hot packs, understand that the heat only penetrates a few millimeters, so you need to apply heat for about 20 minutes for the best results. Ask your doctor about deep heat treatments using a diathermy machine or ultrasound. Many rheumatologists have these machines in their offices.

What’s New?
Another machine – one you can use at home – is called a TENS unit (transcuteneous electrical nerve stimulation). These machines block your low frequency chronic pain by emitting a high-frequency pain. So it works as a counter-irritant. It can relieve you of pain temporarily, but its effects are short- lived. Still, for someone in constant pain, even a short respite is welcome.

A giant step up from TENS units is a small device called the Alpha-Stim 100. Daniel L. Kirsch, PhD, developed it in the early 1980s and a colleague of mine, Fred Lerner, DC, PhD, used it in his chiropractic practice from its inception. Dr. Lerner and I worked in the same office, and I was treated successfully with this unit many times. I also saw that many of his patients were helped by it. The Alpha-Stim 100 combines microcurrent electrotherapy with a cranial stimulator. It actually treats pain in the brain, where it originates. In addition to stopping pain signals, this device treats stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

You know that chronic pain affects your mood. Well, the Alpha-Stim 100 works on your mood as well as your pain – and the effects are much longer lasting than with a TENS unit. In a recent survey, Electromedical Products International, the company that makes this device, found that 94 percent of users found the Alpha-Stim 100 significantly improved their pain from arthritis, and 91.5 percent had significant improvements in their psychological outlook.

To get an Alpha-Stim 100, you need a diagnosis from your licensed health care practitioner (MD, chiropractor, osteopath, acupuncturist, etc.) and a prescription. If your prescription is from an MD you may be able to get reimbursed by your insurance company (it depends on your policy, says Dr Kirsch).

Different devices may work differently, and your doctor may already know of another one that he or she feels would be more appropriate for you. TENS units and the Alpha-Stim 100 can be expensive (the Alpha-Stim 100 is $735 —— but it works beautifully), so call and ask for information on it first and discuss it with your doctor (Electromedical Products International, 800 367-7246 or

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 About The Author
Nan Fuchs, Ph.D. is an authority on nutrition and the editor and writer of Women's Health Letter, the leading health advisory on nutritional healing for......moreNan Fuchs PhD
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