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 Cancer Treatment—An Overview 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled From Fatigued to Fantastic by . View all columns in series

As you read the studies on prognosis (how long people live with the cancer), be aware that these numbers do NOT apply to those adding natural options. When people do this, they live healthier, happier and longer (often beating the cancer). What is wonderful is that in the majority of cases, I have found that the "Health Resources" reports have research studies on natural therapies for your cancer which were (often in repeated studies) shown to be very effective and safe. Sadly, these natural and effective therapies usually have one main problem. They were too low cost for anyone to pay to publicize. By adding these natural therapies and being able to make informed choices about chemo, surgery and radiation, you'll feel much better, and even have a better chance to beat the cancer. I saw this with a friend who had metastatic ovarian cancer to the neck (prognosis is often under 1 year to live). Putting together a Comprehensive Medicine program based on Jan Guthrie's medical report, the last time I spoke with her she was cancer free for ~ 10 years! In my September 16, 2008 newsletter (Research Briefs section), I reviewed a few recent studies relating to natural cancer treatment and prevention. Most cancers, in my experience, will have research on natural treatments that are very promising. These include breast, prostate, and colon cancers. In addition, cancer pain is very treatable. There is hope. You can take back control of your life—even if you have cancer!

Cancer Pain
(Used with permission from Pain Free 1-2-3; McGraw Hill 2006)

It is unacceptable for cancer patients to be in pain, and the treatments discussed in this book (Pain Free 1-2-3) can be very helpful in eliminating cancer pain as well. Most pain is coming from tissue invasion or muscle spasm. Treat these pains as discussed elsewhere in the book. In addition, nutritional deficiencies are rampant in cancer patients and can contribute markedly to the pain and disability. I strongly recommend that most cancer patients take a high potency vitamin powder. In addition, given the large body of research suggesting the role of suboptimal vitamin D in causing both cancer and poor immune function, I would recommend 2,000-4,000 units of vitamin D a day (unless one has high calcium from bone metastases, in which case it should be taken with a physician's guidance). As an aside, there are many treatments that can help cancer that your oncologist may not be aware of (usually because they are too inexpensive). I recommend that any patient with a significant cancer order a search of medical studies done on their specific type and stage of cancer from The Health Resource. They do a spectacular job (call Jan Guthrie at 800-949-0090 for more information). This report routinely turns up valuable treatment options that most doctors are not aware of. I have seen "incurable cancers" go away when the patient combines the best of the standard and complementary therapies that are found in the printout's studies.

Here are a few additional thoughts for treating cancer discomfort:

A. For uncontrollable nausea, use ABHR cream applied to an area of soft skin, such as the wrist. This prescription cream contains lorazepam, Benadryl®, Haldol®, and metoclopramide, and can be made by compounding pharmacists (who can also guide you in its proper use. For nausea creams, I recommend Cape Pharmacy 410-757-3522. Your physician can ask Tom, the pharmacist, for guidance on the best options in your case). Nausea often settles within 15 to 30 minutes after applying the medication. The cream can be reapplied every 6 hours as needed. Promethazine® 25 mg per 1/2 cc of cream is also helpful for nausea.

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 About The Author
Jacob Teitelbaum MD is author of the popular free iPhone application "Cures A-Z" and author of the best-selling book From Fatigued to Fantastic! (3rd revised edition, Avery/Penguin Group) and Pain Free 1-2-3-A......moreJacob Teitelbaum MD
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