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 Dr. Judith Orloff's Journey: The Power of Intuition and Spirituality 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Ask Dr. Orloff about Intuitive Healing by . View all columns in series

Dr. Orloff begins lectures and workshops by creating a bond of warmth, trust and intimacy with participants, within which they can hear and explore her ideas. Her sincerity, humor, and joy bring everyone in the audience with her - leaving everyone certain of their own intuitive abilities, as well as Dr. Orloff's contributions to a radically new kind of medicine.

Dr. Orloff has found that intuition and psychiatry create a profound synergy, even though traditional medicine still looks at intuition and subtle energy as heresy or nonexistent. Dr. Orloff teaches her patients and workshop participants how to cultivate their own intuitive abilities, read energies, listen to the truth of their dreams. As a highly valued lecturer on intuition and spirituality, her warm, compassionate and humorous voice is welcomed at venues ranging from prisons, to medical societies to integrative health conferences.

Questions and Answers with Dr. Orloff

How does one know if we have the "gift" of intuition? If I do have it how do I overcome the fear of letting it "work" through me?

Everyone has the capacity to tap into their intuition at any age. It is a human gift. Some children are more talented than others, but as adults we access it. In Western Culture we've be taught to revere the rational mind above all else. But intuition is far more primal and satisfying an impulse. The key to tuning in is always to try to calm the mind--not by trying to turn it off--that never works. But to use the breath to switch channals. Do some deep breathing exercises, and practice stillness. Then tune into your gut and see what it says. It's an ongoing process of getting still and tuning in. If fear comes, keep breathing the fear out too. It's also useful to explore your fears through journaling to acertain what they are so they don't stop you.

How do you tell the difference between protective intuition and a boundary?

Example: Faced with a situation which is new (i.e. I have no experience of), I may feel my feelings saying 'no' to it. That could be intuition saying 'Danger! Not good for you', and it could also be just a natural human reluctance to change - i.e. to try something new...

In general, protective intuitions come from a neutral place inside, and doesn't have an intense emotional charge. In my book, 'Guide to Intuitive Healing' I go into detail about fear VS intuition and give five steps on how and what to listen to with your intuition. Also do this: If you have any doubt about a situation go into meditation. Get quiet. Ask yourself, 'Am I scared to go ahead with this?' Then listen to the inner response. Then ask yourself, 'Is there real danger here for me?' Then tune in again. My sense of you is that you're ready to begin to explore new relationships and stretch your heart. This is good. Even if you get hurt--we all do when we risk for love, friendship, romance, or work--we must feel strong enough to pick ourselves up again, and keep moving forward with an open heart. Keep doing work to strengthen your heart so you feel the inner power to handle anything.

Judith Orloff, M.D is author of the new book Positive Energy: Ten Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear into Vibrance, Strength and Love (Harmony Books). She is also author of the bestsellers Guide to Intuitive Healing and Second Sight. She is assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and an international workshop leader. For more information visit

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 About The Author
Judith Orloff, M.D. is a psychiatrist and intuition expert, and author of the bestseller Positive Energy: Ten Extraordinary Prescriptions For Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear Into......moreJudith Orloff MD
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