Medicial Mistakes?
How many people each year suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death after a hospital visit?
| Eating for a Healthy Liver | |
*As always, never undertake any fast or diet program without the approval and/or guidance of your health practitioner.
HOW TO COOK: Steam whole beets (with skins, roots, stem ends, and all) until just tender (the skins will blister a little bit and they will pierce fairly easily with a fork or knife). Depending on size (I cut the large ones in half) they will take about 25-30 minutes to cook. Test one beet by running it under cold water and removing the skins. The skin should easily slide off. If not, cook the beets a little longer (be sure there is enough water in there so they do not scorch). When done, remove the skins from all the beets and cut off the root and stem ends. 2 lbs of beets will make about 4 cups of cooked beets. For a one-day fast, you will need 3-5 pounds of beets. Just cook them all up in the morning or the night before.
- Cut cooked beets into slices or ½” cubes and drizzle with lemon juice and pepper.
- Make a Black Salt Lassi to enjoy with your beets: Blend in a blender 1 cup low-fat plain yogurt, ¼ teaspoon black salt, and 2-3 ice cubes. Add more salt if desired.
- Mash beets and mix with ground cardamom, pepper, little black salt and lemon juice.
- Baja Borscht:
2 cups cooked beets
3” gingerroot, sliced thinly, boiled for 20 minutes in:
4 cups water; then strain for ginger tea
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 tsp. fresh mint, finely minced
little salt or black salt
Blend 2 cups cooked beets until smooth. Add 1½ cups ginger tea, lemon juice, mint and salt to taste. Serve cold or heated.
- Grate raw, peeled beets. Garnish with lemon juice, chopped cilantro, pepper
- DAIKON RADISH: Peel and slice into sticks (like carrot sticks). Sprinkle with black salt. Great for snacks.
- COOKED DAIKON: Steam whole (or in big chunks) and then peel. Slice or chop as desired. Add lemon juice and black salt, maybe a little cilantro.
- RADISHES & RICE: a great combination. Use 1 cup basmati rice to 2 cups water. Bring water to a boil, add the washed and well drained rice, 1 bunch of red radishes (whole or chopped), 1-2 tsp. turmeric, ½ tsp. pepper, and about ¾ tsp. black salt. You can add other seasonings too (poppy seeds, celery seeds, green chilies). Return to boil, cover, turn to low, and let steam for 10 minutes. Keep covered, remove from heat, and let stand another 5-8 minutes.
Mungbeans & Rice with Veggies
Yield: approximately 1 gallon (8-12 servings)
This sort of curried stew is a great staple for the vegetarian/yogic diet.
Mungbeans and Rice together make a balanced protein which, when cooked in
this way, is very easy on the digestive system. This dish is so nurturing
and satisfying. It is one of the best foods for breaking a fast or special
cleansing diet and any circumstance where the body needs replenishing (such
as in illness recovery and the first few days after child birth). It is one
food I never tire of! Serve it as is, or dressed up a little bit with a
spoonful of fresh salsa on top! Sometimes I add water and take it more like
a soup (adjust flavor with a touch of tamari or Bragg Liquid Aminos). Or,
make it on the thick side and roll up in a flour tortilla (like a burrito)
with chopped onion and lettuce. My favorite way is to have a simple bowlful
with a little chopped cilantro and crushed red chilies on top.
Siri Ved Kaur first learned about yogic cooking at the side of her spiritual teacher, Yogi Bhajan, starting in 1971, when he invited her into his household to cook for him. During those years serving as Yogi Bhajan’s......more |  |
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