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 Effective Treatment Approaches for CFS, Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled From Fatigued to Fantastic by . View all columns in series

How do I go about getting well?

My best-selling book "From Fatigued to Fantastic" has been dramatically updated, It will supply you and your physician with all the information that you need to get treated effectively. It also contains the full text of our, double blind, placebo-controlled study which proves that effective pain treatment is now available.

Because determining which treatments are needed by any given individual and then teaching them how to use them can be very difficult and time consuming (even for doctors that are very skilled in treating these syndromes -- a new patient visit in my office usually takes at least four hours of my "one on one" time), I've created a sophisticated computer program on my website ( that is like a computerized CFS/Fibromyalgia specialist! It can analyze your history and lab tests to tailor a treatment protocol to your case using both natural and prescription therapies. The good thing about it being a computer program is that it has both the time and ability to guide almost everyone with these syndromes back to health!

In addition, our website also contains:
1 -- copies of both of our research studies demonstrating effective treatment for these illnesses. The first one, published in 1995, was an open (not placebo-controlled) study in which over 90 percent of patients improved. The second is the placebo-controlled study I've discussed above. Feel free to make copies of this study for your physicians, friends, and for anybody in the news media you think might be interested.
2 -- a referral list of over 700 health care professionals (with an area for patient comments) who asked to be listed. If you have (or are) a good health care provider who uses a significant part of our protocol, please encourage them to go on our site and add their name to our list. Because we do not know many of the health care professionals who asked to be on our list, please add your comments about the ones you are familiar with. This will help to let people know who are the "diamonds" versus the "lumps of coal". I would recommend you begin with the separate list of practitioners have done my 2 day workshops for health care professionals (both physicians and non-physicians).
3--a question, answer, and comments area.
4--a section or you can vote for which of over 200 treatments helped or didn't help. You can also see how others voted, and their comments.
5 -- a shop where you can order supplements or books
6 -- articles of interest, and more.

The purpose of our web site is to supply, in one place, all of the resources that you need in order to get well.

How can I get treated if I don't have much money?
Although some of the treatments for these syndromes can be very expensive, it is often possible to do the treatment protocol in an affordable manner. The key tests that are needed include the blood count (CBC), ESR, general chemistry, free T4 level (thyroid test), vitamin B12, iron, and DHEA-S level. Although many other tests can be very helpful, one can often rely on symptoms alone to make the other treatment decisions. The following medications and supplements can be found fairly inexpensively, and will often be helpful. The vitamin powder can be adequate for basic nutritional support. Flexeril and Elavil, although more likely than some other medications to cause side effects, are inexpensive. Desyrel and Klonopin, in generic form, are also reasonably priced. These four can be very helpful for sleep, and your doctor is likely to be comfortable prescribing the first three of these. Thyroid, cortef, DHEA, and estrogen, can also be found for a fairly low price. For infections, nystatin and tetracycline are also inexpensive. Most drug companies offer medications for free to those who cannot afford them. Although many of the other treatments can often be very helpful, these inexpensive ones may be enough to help you get well.

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 About The Author
Jacob Teitelbaum MD is author of the popular free iPhone application "Cures A-Z" and author of the best-selling book From Fatigued to Fantastic! (3rd revised edition, Avery/Penguin Group) and Pain Free 1-2-3-A......moreJacob Teitelbaum MD
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