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 Five Steps to Intuitive Healing 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Ask Dr. Orloff about Intuitive Healing by . View all columns in series

Step 5: Listen To Your Dreams
Intuition is the language of dreams. Every ninety minutes each night during the REM stage of sleep, we dream. Dreams provide answers about health, relationships, career choices, any new direction. The secret is to remember them. I suggest keeping a dream journal by your bed. Before you go to sleep, ask a dream a question. For instance, "Is this relationship healthy for me or should I move on?" The next morning, write down any dreams immediately before getting out of bed. Try repeating the question, every night for the next week until your answer comes. As you develop the habit of remembering dreams, you?ll be able to benefit from this form of healing.

As a physician, I have a continual sense of awe for the relationship between body and spirit. As your heart opens, so does your intuition. Your intuition will teach you how to see and how to love. It will instill in you a renewed faith to face anything.

Questions and Answers with Dr. Orloff

I am currently house sitting for my boss for three weeks and I'm not coping very well. I am finding it very hard to meditate or center myself - and its almost like I have a block to it at the moment. The flat is a one bedroom flat on a 5th floor apartment block with a cat and 2 tanks of tropical fish! The couple I am house sitting for are quite negative and I have a strong feeling that this affects the energy in the flat. I haven’t had a complete nights sleep since I have moved in there (a week ago) and my sleep is dreamless, light, and restless. Do you have any advice in clearing the flats energy space? any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Burning white candles, sage or sandalwood incense should do the trick. I do this in hotel rooms to clear the space. Play some beautiful music and dance freely in the rooms clearing the vibes. Your happiness can replace whatever is there.

How did the American Psychiatric Association receive your talk on Intuitive Healing? As a medical intuitive student a current bodywork therapist who has used intuition in her work for over 15 years, and the daughter of a New Orleans psychiatrist who co-founded Houston/Galveston Psychoanalytic Institute in the early 60's, I am greatly interested in hearing more about your talk and how it was received.

I gave a workshop at the American Psychiatric Association on my book Intuitive Healing: Five Steps to Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Wellness. The reason I used that title for the talk was that it gave psychiatrists something very concrete to do. Five Steps to...they can easily understand. The majority of psychiatrists who attended were in private practice in the Mid-West. What struck me about them was their sincere desire to learn new skills to teach patients. So I engaged their linear minds with the 5 steps and they went with it. Of course, doctors all ask hard questions, and most don't have the first hand experience of what trusting intuition means in the nitty gritty of work with patients--though of course most, especially the old timers, know what "trusting your gut" means. I was touched by how open they were, despite the rigidity of our medical training. It was an honor to speak to them. The key to communicating with MDs--psychoanalysts are some of the toughest!-- is to combine heart and mind to convey new ideas. Try to have as much compassion as you can, and suspend judgment. Hope this helps. No website to refer to about this talk I gave at the APA, though now this information is on Caroline's site. Great question.

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 About The Author
Judith Orloff, M.D. is a psychiatrist and intuition expert, and author of the bestseller Positive Energy: Ten Extraordinary Prescriptions For Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear Into......moreJudith Orloff MD
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