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 Homeopathy In Dentistry 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Integrative Dentistry by . View all columns in series
The following is a list of general guidelines for homeopathic remedies in dental care. Dosages vary with intensity and person.
Aconite Anxiety, nervousness, fear, physical and mental restlessness
Ambra grisia Children with extreme nervousness
Ammonium carbonica Pain on chewing, TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder)
Antimonium crudum Dry lips, cracks at corners of lips, canker sores
Apis mellifica Swollen gums; red, sore tongue and throat
Arnica Easily bleeding gums; dry, ulcerated tissues, toothache that is worse at night
Arsenicum album Dry mouth with ulcerations
Arsenicum metallicum Tongue that is coated white, ulcers in mouth
Belladonna Toothache, abscess, fever
Bismuthum Toothache that feels better with cold water, swollen gums
Calcarea fluorica Loose teeth, toothache when chewing
Calendula Cuts and other wounds caused by tooth extraction
Capsicum Oral herpes, bad breath
Chamomilla Toothache that intensifies with hot or warm foods or drinks
Echinacea rudbeckia Canker sores, cracks at corners of lips
Formalin Loss of taste
Hepar sulphuris Painful, bleeding gums; swelling, infection
Hypericum Injuries to nerves as in deep cavities; for pain control after any major dental treatment
Kali phosphoricum Bad breath; excessive dry mouth in the morning
Lycopodium Dry mouth, bad breath
Mercurius vivus Metallic-tasting saliva, general body weakness
Plantago major Toothache that is sensitive to touch, worse with cold
Pulsatilla Toothache, bad breath, alteration or loss of taste
Rhamnus californica Muscular pain and swollen joints in jaw (TMJ)
Staphysagria Toothache during menstruation, anger, mood swings
Trillium pendulum Excessive bleeding after tooth extraction
X-ray Excessive exposure to x-rays, painful throat during swallowing
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 About The Author
Flora Stay, DDS holds a doctor of dental surgery degree from University of California, San Francisco. She is the founder of ...moreFlora Stay DDS
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