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 Inflammation – The Silent Killer (Part Two) 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Women's Nutrition Detective by . View all columns in series

Of all of these, turmeric may be the most important. It contains curcumin, an ingredient that stops inflammation by blocking COX-2 and by stopping the production of inflammatory hormone-like substances called prostaglandins.

InflaThera is stronger than Zyflamend. One capsule contains 375 mg of turmeric with 95 percent curcuminoids while Zyflamend has just 50 mg of turmeric with seven percent curcumin. When I compared the other ingredients in these products, I noticed that InflaThera has twice as much of other ingredients. However, each is worth trying since the balance of herbs differs slightly and one might work better for you than the other.

Zyflamend is available in health food stores or through the distributor, New Chapter, Inc. (800-543-7279). It costs around $28 for a lower-potency, two-month supply. You can order InflaThera directly from ProThera (888-488-2488). A one-month supply of this stronger formula is $20/month.

  • Padma Basic (known in Europe as Padma 28) is an herbal formula of 20 plant-based ingredients based on traditional Tibetan medicine. It has been highly researched for decades and has many impressive applications. Padma Basic has extremely strong anti-inflammatory properties. It's a powerful antioxidant that also strengthens the immune system, allowing the body to heal more quickly.

    This Tibetan herbal formula has been tested on patients with chronic hepatitis-B. In a one-year study of 34 hepatitis patients, more than 75 percent improved or had normal T-cell counts. Padma Basic has been tested on more than 300 children with chronic bronchitis (remember, "itis" means inflammation), and more than 70 percent had a noticeable improvement. This formula is good! It’s also more expensive than the others. But if you have a tough case of chronic inflammation, start with a strong formula that has a lot of science behind it. In this case, I would personally use Padma Basic. In milder cases, you can either use another formula or less Padma Basic. This Tibetan herbal formula is available from Women’s Preferred (800 728-2288) or EcoNugenics (800-308-5518). Take two tablets two or three times a day.

    Celebrex, Vioxx, or ...?
    What’s so bad about the prescription and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs that are so easily available and work so quickly, you ask? They’re often the first choice for people in pain who are afraid to try something their doctor doesn’t recommend. The biggest problem with drugs is that they have more side effects than natural anti-inflammatory products. This is why so many of them are being pulled off the market.

    NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Celebrex and Vioxx commonly cause headaches, dizziness, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, swollen legs and feet, and urinary tract infections. Less frequent but more serious side effects include sudden stomach and intestinal bleeding, serious allergic reactions, and liver or kidney problems. Even aspirin can cause heartburn, nausea, irritation and bleeding in your stomach. You may want to try more natural supplements that block inflammation before rushing to the pharmacy. If so, please discuss your decision with your doctor and ask him or her to monitor your progress. If natural anti-inflammatory products, along with dietary changes, are not sufficient, you can always reach for a pharmaceutical.

    Brzosko, W.J. "Padma 28 in patients with chronic hepatitis B clinical and immunological effects," SchweizZschr fur GanzheitsMed, 1992; 7/8 (Suppl 1): 13-14.

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     About The Author
    Nan Fuchs, Ph.D. is an authority on nutrition and the editor and writer of Women's Health Letter, the leading health advisory on nutritional healing for......moreNan Fuchs PhD
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