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 Interval Training: More Motivation and Better Results 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Keeping Fit by . View all columns in series

1. 4 minutes warmup

75 watts resistance

2. 8 minutes higher effort

125 watts resistance

3. 4 minutes recovery

75 watts resistance

4. 8 minutes higher effort

125 watts resistance

5. 4 minutes cooldown

75 watts resistance

28 minutes total training time

Another means for enhancing the exercise effort within a similar half-hour time frame is to perform more intervals. Because each interval is relatively brief, the training intensity can be increased for the harder workout segments. For example, an interval treadmill running session could be programmed as follows for people with relatively high levels of fitness:

1. 3 minutes warmup

5.0 mph

2. 4 minutes higher effort

7.0 mph

3. 2 minutes recovery

5.0 mph

4. 4 minutes higher effort

7.0 mph

5. 2 minutes recovery

5.0 mph

6. 4 minutes higher effort

7.0 mph

7. 2 minutes recovery

5.0 mph

8. 4 minutes higher effort

7.0 mph

9. 3 minutes recovery

5.0 mph

28 minutes total training time

If exercise time is a concern, interval training can provide a pretty challenging workout in a rather brief duration. Shortening the hard intervals to 2 minutes each increases the anaerobic energy component and requires less total workout time to experience an excellent training effect. The following sample exercise program for stationary cycling intersperses 2-minute intervals of high and low training effort.

1. 3 minutes warmup

75 watts resistance

2. 2 minutes higher effort

175 watts resistance

3. 2 minutes recovery

100 watts resistance

4. 2 minutes higher effort

175 watts resistance

5. 2 minutes recovery

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 About The Author
Wayne L. Westcott, Ph.D., is fitness research director at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, MA. He is strength training consultant for numerous national organizations, such as the American Council on Exercise, the......moreWayne Westcott PhD
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