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 Natural Herbal / Nutritional Pain Therapies 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled From Fatigued to Fantastic by . View all columns in series

The good news is that all of these 3 excellent and natural pain treatments in optimal dosing can now be found in the "End Pain" formula by Enzymatic Therapy.

That sounds like a great way to treat my pain! What else can I do to help healing and gets rid of pain?

The wonderful thing about Comprehensive Medicine, which combines holistic and pharmaceutical treatments, is that you have a full tool kit to deal with your problems. Otherwise, it’s like going into a shoe store and having only 1 pair of shoes to try on. Using comprehensive Medicine, almost every one can find “a shoe that fits” so you can get your life and health back!

As we discussed earlier, Pain is often simply your body’s way of telling you that it desperately needs something—and what it need as is usually natural and not a chemical. Let's review the key things it needs and how you can give your body what it needs naturally.

Sounds good! What's first?

First you need to give the body the nutritional building blocks it needs to heal. Otherwise, your body cannot even begin to get well. As you've noticed, we've talked about the Energy Revitalization System vitamin powder and B complex a lot. This is because it has over 50 key nutrients to serve an enormous number of needs. I could write a 500+ page book on this alone, and it would take at least 35 tablets of supplements a day for you to get what's in the 1 berry or orange flavored drink. Instead of all that, let me keep it simple and tell you you’ll be glad your patients took it! Many people have told me that this by itself eliminated their chronic pain!

Next, although the powder has most of the nutrients that your body needs, joints require other specific nutrients for healing in addition to what’s in the vitamin powder. So if you are treating arthritis, or back pain from arthritis of the spine bones (vertebrae), give Glucosamine Sulfate (500 mg 3 x day), and consider MSM (1.5-3 grams a day for 2-5 months). MSM supplies the Sulfur amino acids needed for healing in general. Although most of the research on MSM and arthritis have not been a placebo-controlled studies, one was and showed an 80% decrease in arthritis pain after six weeks using 1500 mg in the morning and 750 mg at lunchtime

Glucosamine sulfate is a cartilage building compound that has been found to be helpful in arthritis in many studies. Although its exact mechanism of action is not yet fully understood, it is a major component of the cartilage that is damaged in arthritic joints. Glucosamine taken by mouth is incorporated in the molecules that make up this cartilage likely contributing to the healing of arthritis. I recommend the sulfate form (as opposed to Glucosamine hydrochloride), as the sulfate can also help with wound/joint healing.

Unlike aspirin/NSAIDS that do not slow down destruction of joints in arthritis, Glucosamine has been shown to actually help stabilize and often heal the joints on x-ray! Doses of less than 1000 mg a day do not affect symptoms, and the standard dose is 500 mg 3 times a day. It can also be taken as 1500 mg once a day. It can be taken with or without food, and had no more side effects than placebo. Chondroitin sulfate is sometimes added to Glucosamine or taken by itself. Its benefits are modest as less than 10% of is absorbed as opposed to 90% for Glucosamine sulfate. Because of this, I rarely use Chondroitin. On the other hand, 1200 milligrams a day can be helpful in slowing down arthritis and is worth trying if you do not get adequate relief with the other treatments. It can be taken all at once or 400 mg 3 times a day with equal effectiveness.

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 About The Author
Jacob Teitelbaum MD is author of the popular free iPhone application "Cures A-Z" and author of the best-selling book From Fatigued to Fantastic! (3rd revised edition, Avery/Penguin Group) and Pain Free 1-2-3-A......moreJacob Teitelbaum MD
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