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 Are You a Sugar Addict?: The 4 Sugar Addiction Types - Take the Quiz 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled From Fatigued to Fantastic by . View all columns in series
Are YOU a sugar addict?
In the United States, with approximately 18% of the average American diet coming from added sugar, this is becoming the rule rather than the exception. Many people eat their weight in sugar every year. And it may be why you are tired, achy, "brain fogged", anxious, and unable to lose weight.

As most people have found, simply trying to cut out sugar usually does not work very well.

In addition, who wants to cut out things that give you pleasure? Put simply, if you live a long life because you've cut out everything you enjoy, why bother?

How to eliminate the causes of your sugar cravings!
There are four main types of sugar addiction. In each type, there are different forces driving your addiction. By treating the underlying causes that are active in your type of addiction, you will find that not only do your sugar cravings go away, but you also feel dramatically better overall.

Here's more good news. Once you have broken your sugar addiction, your body will usually be able to handle sugar in moderation. This means saving sugar for dessert or snacks where it belongs, and going for quality, not quantity. Dark chocolate is especially okay. Natural sweeteners like stevia are also a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth, but you need to use the right brands.

The 4 Sugar Addiction Types
To beat sugar addiction, first you'll need to figure out which type of sugar addict you are. Here are the four key types:

Type 1: Hooked on "Energy Loan Shark" drinks. Chronically exhausted and hooked on caffeine and sugar
When daily fatigue causes sugar (and caffeine) cravings, sometimes all you need is to improve nutrition, sleep, and exercise. When your energy increases, you won't need sugar and caffeine for an energy boost. Want a healthy daily energy drink? Add 1 scoop of the supplement Ribose (e.g.-Corvalen by Bioenergy) to ½ -1 scoop of a good vitamin powder (e.g.- the Energy Revitalization System by Enzymatic Therapy). This is a healthy way to turbo charge your energy!

Type 2: Feed Me Now or I'll Kill You. When life's stress has exhausted your adrenal glands
For those of you who get irritable when you're hungry and crash under stress, it is important to treat your adrenal exhaustion. Herbal Licorice, adrenal glandular, Vitamin C and Pantothenic acid will help heal your adrenal stress handler glands (can be found in combination in Adrenal Stress End)

Type 3: The Happy Twinkie Hunter. Sugar cravings caused by yeast/candida overgrowth
For those of you with chronic nasal congestion, sinusitis, spastic colon, or irritable bowel syndrome, treating yeast overgrowth is critical. This can be done with probiotics, natural antifungals, and even the medication Diflucan given for 6 weeks (you'll need a Holistic doctor to prescribe this-see

Type 4: Depressed and Craving Carbs. Sugar cravings caused by your period, menopause, or andropause
Standard blood testing for hormonal deficiencies will not reveal the problems until they are very severe, sometimes leaving people deficient for decades. Bioidentical hormones can be very helpful. Raise low estrogen naturally by eating a handful of edamame each day. This is the same tasty snack served in Japanese restaurants.

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 About The Author
Jacob Teitelbaum MD is author of the popular free iPhone application "Cures A-Z" and author of the best-selling book From Fatigued to Fantastic! (3rd revised edition, Avery/Penguin Group) and Pain Free 1-2-3-A......moreJacob Teitelbaum MD
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