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 What Your Glasses Reveal About You: (Part 1) 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Your Eyesight and You: A Total Mind/Body Understanding of Vision by . View all columns in series

Let’s look at Multiple Personality Disorder - here is something I think is incredibly interesting: there was one case of Multiple Personality Disorder and an optometrist measured the vision of the person while they were in their different personalities. In one personality the person was nearsighted. In another personality, the same person was farsighted, in another personality they had hypertension, in another personality their blood pressure was normal. Remember, these are completely objective scientific measurements of what happens when that person was in a different personality.

Well I’m suggesting that as a nearsighted person we have a nearsighted personality and that personality, as I said, is holistic, it covers our emotional, mental, and spiritual world views. The same is true for farsightedness and astigmatism, but the consciousness aspects that are related to those are slightly different. Even Freud weighed in on the subject when said that nearsightedness was a manifestation of a castration anxiety.

Here’s another interesting study that was done a while ago: A group of nearsighted people were exposed to a pressure situation. Specifically, they had to come up with answers really fast in a pressure situation. The researchers discovered that the nearsighted people, when exposed to the pressure, became more nearsighted. People who were not nearsighted, when they were exposed to the pressure situation, instead, their vision became more heightened.

So it’s not the external pressure that forces somebody to be nearsighted, it’s the internal response that says something like, “Oh, I’ll pull away when it’s too much out there,” or “I’ll pull in when it’s too intense.”

There’s another thing they do in the movies when they want to portray a nearsighted personality - they’ll put glasses on somebody because they want them to appear smarter, right? That’s another piece of the nearsighted personality - nearsighted people always score higher on intelligence testsr.

Now it’s easy to create nearsightedness in reverse, so they do experiments with monkeys where they have the monkeys wear blinders so that their visual field is restricted; or ifNavy personnel spend a lot of time in submarines where their visual field is restricted, they have a higher incidence of myopia. It’s easy to cause myopia from the constriction end where you just force the person’s physical world to be pulled in, and so you can make an animal or person nearsighted by putting them in an enclosed visual environment.

But it also works that from the emotional, consciousness and energetic process, you can pull in your visual world and then have it seep down into the physical.

All of this data and information points to the idea that nearsightedness and its associated personality are a particular way of responding to external stress. We’ve all heard of the fight or flight mechanism. Well you might say that the nearsighted personality is a flight response without literally running away. It’s a way to pull away from threat or stimulation or anxiety without getting up and running. For example, if you’re in school and you don’t want to be there, you can’t walk out, but you can keep your eyes open, pretend like you’re there, but really you are a million miles away. Or we can drive down the street in our cars and do the same exact thing. So it’s easy for us to pull away from the world. Many people pull away from the world temporarily, even if they’re not nearsighted; there’s a cycle to that, a kind of cycle of energy going out and energy coming in. But people who are nearsighted, the myopic personality, they tend to have that pattern be charged with emotion and it becomes a habit.

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 About The Author
Martin Sussman, president and founder of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision and developer of the world's #1 Best-selling Program for Better Vision, is also co-author of Total Health at the Computer. Mr. Sussman......moreMartin Sussman
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