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 What Your Glasses Reveal About You: (Part 2) 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Your Eyesight and You: A Total Mind/Body Understanding of Vision by . View all columns in series

So the mast majority of us are born with clear vision and yet now the vast majority of us have less than clear vision. There is a transition point between the clear sight, that clear time, and, for lack of a better way to describe it, the less than clear time. And so, I ask the people that question, what are the three major events that occurred in your life a year before you noticed the limitation with your vision, and three out of four people were able to identify a significant, major event, so the period in between the clear seeing and the development of the not clear seeing, I call that the “Vision Transition Period.”

What happens to people during the Vision Transition Period is that in some way or another their perception of themselves or the world around them or their relationship to other people changes significantly or becomes less clear or there’s something in their vision that they don’t want to see. That choice of not wanting to see, or that choice of pulling away from what’s around you to protect yourself or because it’s too confusing or perhaps because it’s too overwhelming, that choice to pull yourself away from what’s around you is filled with emotion, and that emotion then and that choice filter down into the physical body so that we then develop in ourselves a sub-personality of nearsightedness, a sub-personality of not seeing clearly.

I’ve discovered that during the Vision Transition Period there are three different areas of change. The first is self-image - a person may start to see his or her self differently. For example, an adolescent starts to grow up, there’s hormonal changes in the body, they realize that people are looking at them differently, perhaps they realize there’s expectations on them now that they weren’t aware of before, that they didn’t see before, and so their image of themselves changes. It can be a physical change, an emotional change or a perceptual change. Ultimately though, it is the self-image that changes.

The second area is that the change has to do with relationships, a significant relationship changes or the way that they see themselves in relationship to other people changes. “Nobody likes me,” nobody wants to see that, but that may be there. Other examples are, “My parents were divorced 12 months before I noticed a problem with my vision,” or “My parents started fighting”, or “My grandmother died,” or “We moved to a new neighborhood and I had to make friends with new kids.” So some aspect of relationship changes.

The third area is the situation, the environment changes, there’s a situational change. A person moves from one house to another or goes from one job to another or makes some other kind of change so the world around them looks differently. You can’t always isolate one change from another, sometimes when a family moves from one house to another, obviously, relationships change as well, or if there’s a relationship change because, let’s just say, the parents get divorced, there may be a situational change because the child who is becoming nearsighted is moving from one place to another as well and maybe their self-image is involved in all of that.

I think you’re beginning to see that the key thing is not what the external change is, the key thing is what the myopic nearsighted personality does in response to that external change that they don’t know how to deal with, which is this: in some version or another, the nearsighted personality constricts or pulls in their world and brings their energy in, either as a protection from the outside world or some perceived threat that they see or they pull their energy in because it’s safer, or they pull their energy in because there’s too much to deal with out there, or they don’t have the strength or confidence to respond to it so they don’t know how to deal with it. Or there’s just too much stimulation, too much going on, and they pull in.

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 About The Author
Martin Sussman, president and founder of the Cambridge Institute for Better Vision and developer of the world's #1 Best-selling Program for Better Vision, is also co-author of Total Health at the Computer. Mr. Sussman......moreMartin Sussman
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