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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Health Hint #278
Don't Be Duped by Antiwrinkle Creams
Excerpted from "A Year of Health Hints"
365 Practical Ways to Feel Better and Live Longer

Don't be misled by over-the-counter skin care products that claim to get rid of wrinkles. There's no such thing. The closest thing to a wrinkle-removing cream is retinoic acid, a synthetic form of vitamin A.Applied to the skin surface, retinoic acid increases blood flow and stimulates skin cells called fibroblasts to produce new collagen (a protein that keeps skin smooth). This process can help to eliminate tiny wrinkles and make deep wrinkles less noticeable. Retinoic acid also speeds up the rate that your skin's cells move to the surface and die off to be replaced with new cells, so your skin looks younger.

Retinoic acid is available by prescription only under the trade name Retin-A. Regular vitamin A has no effect on wrinkles, whether it's taken orally or applied directly to the skin.

 About The Author
This article has been taken from Healthier at Home® – Your Complete Guide to Symptoms, Solutions & Self-Care, a book published by......more
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