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 ABC Coding Solutions launches 
by Bolen Report - 5/21/2007

 By Edward Johnson, PhD , President ABC Coding Solutions

Monday, May 21st, 2007

A Note to US Health Care Practitioners - After years of coding and system development, legal logic research, wrangling with our federal Department of Health and Human Services, and politicking, ABC Coding Solutions has launched, the tool that ties together the code and logic into a seamless system.  

ABC has done their share of work to help you; now we ask you to step up to the plate and help solve our US healthcare crisis. You are trained, you are experienced, many of you are licensed ? why aren?t you part of the solution? 

Practice your profession and compete! You know your profession, but to compete on an uneven field, note: 

  • There are large forces at work that are influencing the national debate on healthcare and public perception,
  • Government cannot solve the crisis,
  • If allowed to compete freely, classic capitalism will solve our healthcare crisis, and
  • The capitalist is you, the non-physician healthcare provider and small business owner.  

First, step back and observe the national debate on our healthcare system and the crisis of rising costs with lesser quality. There are at least two historical forces at work and as they work, we, the American public, feel helpless and may conclude the healthcare crisis cannot be fixed and that the status quo is acceptable.   

One force is Shock and Dismay to make you angry, but powerless. Our news stands and airways are constantly flooded with inflammatory stories of reduced coverage, higher costs, and mediocre results. The headlines focus on the harm being done to those of us who need healthcare the most such as children, the poor, the obese, diabetics, Hurricane Katrina or Greensburg tornado victims, and Iraq veterans! 

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Provided by Bolen Report on 5/21/2007
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