In Europe, in particular, naturopaths have long feared that the setting of maximum permitted levels for nutrients in supplements will not be carried out according to rational science, but through a process of political horse-trading. The European Union’s Food Supplements Directive, for example, specifically states that the adoption of the specific values for maximum levels for vitamins and minerals in food supplements should be entrusted to the European Commission - the unelected and unaccountable executive body responsible for proposing and implementing European legislation.
Perhaps not surprisingly, therefore, s easoned observers are already beginning to suggest that the consumer outrage that occurred prior to the passing of the European Union’s Food Supplements Directive in 2002 and the Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements in 2005 may yet pale in comparison to the protests expected when the maximum permitted levels are eventually announced, probably in 2008.
So, protest to your political leaders and elected officials, now, while you still have time, telling them that your vote at the next election depends upon their response to this issue. Ring them, write to them, visit their offices, and become a persistent irritation to them. If you’re not prepared to do this then you shouldn’t expect to have access to higher-dose supplements in the future.
And don’t, whatever you do, leave it up to other people to fight this batt le for you - because those other people, may, in turn, be leaving it up to you!
Paul Anthony Taylor would like to thank Dr. Robert Verkek, Executive & Scientific Director of the Alliance for Natural Health, for his invaluable scientific input into the writing of this article.
Provided by Dr. Rath Health Foundation on 1/15/2007