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Raw Food Index
Oranges (Citrus sinensis, C., aurantium, C. reticulata (Tangerine), are native to Asia. They are native to the Rutaceae (Citrus) Family. Some authorities believe the English word orange is from the Sanskrit nararunga, meaning, "fruit favored by elephants." The Golden apples of mythology were most likely oranges. The orange tree is unique in that it bears blossoms and fruit at the same time, and thus was considered a symbol of fertility. To the Chinese, oranges are a symbol of prosperity; good luck and incorporated into New Year's celebrations.

Oranges are alkaline, cooling, sweet, sour, moistening, and cleansing. They are alterative, antioxidant, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, cardiac tonic, carminative, circulatory stimulant, and immune tonic. Oranges have been used to help prevent bladder, breast, cervical, esophageal, lung, pancreatic, rectal, and stomach cancer, Orange is also used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, colds, fever, flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, broken capillaries, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and constipation. Some alcoholics find that drinking fresh squeezed orange juice reduces the craving for alcohol. Their high vitamin C content helps counteract carcinogens called nitrosamines. Oranges contain beta-carotene, vitamin B1, folic acid, calcium, potassium, glutathione, and pectin.

When eating oranges, be sure to consume some of the inner membrane, where the flavonoids, including rutin, hesperidin are located.

Look for firm, heavy for their size oranges. Avoid oranges that are puffy, spongy or have soft spots. Navel oranges are considered best for eating and Valencia for juicing. Tree ripened oranges are certainly nutritionally superior. Store them in a cool place, though they do not need to be kept refrigerated. If one orange develops a mold, remove it, so others don't quickly follow suit.

Oranges are best fresh by sections, made into fruit salads, pies, sherbets, sauces, desserts, and juiced. . They can be included in fruit salads or tossed with mixed greens. The peel, also known as orange zest, is a digestive aid and popular garnish. However, oranges are often waxed, or gassed with ethylene to decompose the chlorophyll, dispelling any green color so support organic. Orange essential oil contains limonene, which has been found to shrink tumors. Those that get rashes from oranges might find this food increases the discharge of toxins, and rashes no longer occur, after the system is cleansed. Avoid excess use of oranges in cases of stomach ulcers, stomach or intestinal inflammation.

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 About The Author
Brigitte Mars is an herbalist, author and nutritional consultant in Boulder, Colorado. She is author of Rawsome!: Maximizing Health,......moreBrigitte Mars
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