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Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
Vitamin B

 Golden Yogurt 
You can make Golden Yogurt from scratch (this is the best way), or simply add a spoonful of Turmeric Paste to plain yogurt (be sure the commercially prepared yogurt is made with active acidophilus and/or bifidus cultures, and does not contain gelatin, stabilizers, or added milk solids). A favorite breakfast of mine is ½ cup of Golden Yogurt, 1/2 cup organic apple sauce, and ½ cup (or less) of granola. Mmmm. Here’s how to make your own:

1 Tbsp. turmeric
1 ½ -2 cups pure water
1 quart whole milk or low-fat milk
2 Tbsp. plain yogurt (save some from your last homemade batch, or use commercially prepared yogurt as described above)

Bring water to boil with turmeric over high heat. They must boil together at least 8-10 minutes until forming a thick paste. Once it starts to thicken, stir constantly. When it is quite a thick paste, add the milk. Stir until smooth. Stir frequently until the milk just comes to the boiling point. Immediately remove from heat.

Immerse the pot of turmeric milk in a basin of ice water to quickly cool it and avoid that scald film forming on top. It must cool to about 118 degrees. I never use a thermometer! Put your clean finger into the warm/hot milk. If you can hold your finger in there for 30 seconds (it should feel pretty warm) and be able to hold it in without it feeling ‘hot’, it is ready. Now, to avoid grit, you can strain the warm/hot milk through a fine tea strainer. Or, just keep all that turmeric in there. Stir in the yogurt (I use a wire whisk to gently take out yogurt lumps). Pour this into a clean (sterile) quart size glass jar (or plastic container will do). Cover.

You need to maintain the warm temperature. You can do this several ways: 1. Use a heating pad set at LOW. Place one or two layers of towel over the heating pad. Put the yogurt container on that, and then wrap the towel around the container to maintain the heat.
2. OR, use your gas oven that has a warm pilot light on. (This only works in older ovens.) Turn the oven on for 5 minutes to get it hot in there. Turn the oven off. Wrap the yogurt container in several layers of towels or a blanket to contain the heat, and put on a rack in the oven. Close the oven door.
3. OR, use a yogurt maker! Pour the turmeric milk into the yogurt cups and follow the instructions that came with your appliance.

The yogurt needs to sit undisturbed and be kept warm for 6-8 hours. Once it is done, you can keep in the fridge easily for several weeks. For stronger acidophilus content, let the yogurt sit out at room temperature for 3-6 more hours (the longer it sits out, the sourer it will become). The liquid that forms on top will be rich in acidophilus. It will not go bad sitting out like this. Believe me, you will KNOW when yogurt has gone bad because it molds and smells disgusting. It is supposed to be at least a bit sour!

Please Note: These are traditional yogic remedies that should not be taken as medical advice! If anyone has a health concern, they should consult their health practitioner.
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