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 Recipe Tip: How To Dry Roast Dried Seeds and Dried Whole Spices 
Dried seeds and dried whole spices such as cinnamon, cloves, and sesame seeds can be thought of as animals in hibernation. They need heat to wake up and spring back to life, heat to release the energy and flavours locked within them.

This is done by dry roasting, which gives them a shock. When dry roasting always use a completely clean and dry pan. Leave the pan over a high heat for several minutes, until it is so hot that a drop of water will evaporate immediately with a hiss upon contact with the pan.

Now add the spices and toss briefly, until they start releasing their aroma and the surface starts turning golden brown. Immediately transfer the spices to a bowl and grind if the recipe calls for it.

Be aware that green cardamom is treated slightly differently. Although one should roast the whole cardamom pods, to activate the flavors, only the little seeds within are to be eaten. So gently open cardamom pods after roasting, remove the small seeds within, and grind them gently if the recipe calls for it. The shell from the pod can be discarded.

There are a few seeds and spices that should never be roasted. They are flaxseed and all dried green spices such as thyme, rosemary, and basil.

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