20/20 Is Not Enough!
Studies show that 20% of school age children have a
problem which interferes with learning.
Many people mislabeled as lazy, dyslexic, or attention
deficit disorder (ADD) may actually be suffering from an
undiagnosed Learning-Related Vision Problem. This may be
true even though they have 20/20 sight!

Symptoms of Learning Related Vision Problems
· Loss of place when reading
· Skipping, re-reading, or substituting words
· Confusing similar words
· Difficulty retaining what is seen or read
· Failure to recognize same word in next sentence or
· Reversal of letters in reading or writing
· Smart but working too hard to keep up
· Poor handwriting
· Short attention span
· Headaches
· Blurred or double vision
· Frequently rubbing eyes
· Achievement below potential
What Should Be Done?
A comprehensive Learning Related Vision Evaluation is the
only way to determine if a child or adult has a visual
problem which is interfering with learning.

Individualized Diagnostic Approach
The doctors at The San Diego Center for Vision Care -
P.C. have specialized training to evaluate vision as it
relates to academic achievement.
This comprehensive vision analysis includes an in-depth
evaluation of visual tracking, focusing, eye coordination,
and the underlying visual-perceptual and visual-integrative
abilities necessary for efficient learning.
Individualized Therapeutic Care
Written reports are provided and personal conferences are
scheduled so that all concerned will understand the
evaluation results and the treatment recommendations.
Treatment may include visual stress-reducing lenses, a
program of Optometric Vision Therapy, and the structuring of
the classroom and home environment for maximum visual
Optometric Vision Therapy is individually designed to
meet the patient's specific visual needs. The length of the
therapy program will vary depending upon the type and
severity of the visual problem.
What is Optometric Vision Therapy?
Optometric Vision Therapy is a treatment program designed
to eliminate visual problems, reduce visual stress and
discomfort, and increase visual performance. Optometric
Vision Therapy develops the visual abilities necessary for
more efficient learning and performance in all areas of
life. Scientific research and more than 60 years of clinical
experience have proven Optometric Vision Therapy to be
extremely effective!
Help At Any Age!
Many of our patients in Vision Therapy are adults with
symptoms when reading or with visual problems which make
learning more difficult. Symptoms may include slow reading
speed, loss of place, visual fatigue, blur, headaches,
reduced comprehension and difficulty concentrating.
Interdisciplinary Approach
Communication and inter-referral with other professionals
ensure that the patient receive comprehensive care. Reports
and specific recommendations help the classroom teacher meet
the patient's specific visual needs.
Bright Futures
Optometric Vision Therapy develops better vision for more
efficient learning. When the Learning Related Vision Problem
is remediated, the child's or adult's vision is more
efficient at processing information and learning is