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 Qigong and Taiji: Bibliography on Anti-Aging and Qigong 

1. Wang, Chongxing; Xu, Dinghgai; Qian, Yusheng; Kuang, Ankun. Research on anti aging effect of qigong. 1st World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. 85E; 1988.

2. Tang, Cimei; Wan, Jinming; Lu, Zongyu; Wei, Xin. The effects of qigong on reversal of aging process in some aspects of psychological functioning. 2nd Int Conf on Qigong. 20E; 1989.

3. Wang, Zhengchang; Huang, Jian [and others]. Preliminary study of qigong effect on anti-aging. 2nd Int Conf on Qigong. 113E; 1989.

4. Franztis, Kumar. Integrating qigong with acupuncture to deal with an aging population. 1st Int Cong of Qigong. 114E; 1990.

5. Tang, Cimei; Lu, Zongyu; Wang, Jinming; Liu, Zhihong; Wei, Xing. Effects of qigong and Taijiquan on reversal of aging process and some psychological functions. 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science. 1Ea; 1990.

6. Hu, Songchang [and others]. Prospective study on anti-senile (aging) effects of qigong. 3rd Nat Acad Conf on Qigong Science. 1Eb; 1990.

7. Ye, Ming; Zhang Rui, Hua; Wu Xiao, Hong; Wang, Yao; Shan Jia, Qi. The relationship among erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity, plasma sexual hormones (T, E2), aging and qigong exercise. 3rd Int Symp on Qigong. 28C,32E; 1990.

8. Wang, Yuqin [and others]. Qigong and Anti-aging Process. 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese]. 158; 1992.

9. Shen, Henian 1.; Qian, Aizhu 1.; Cheng, Shongming 2. Clinical research report on Nei Qi Lian Yang for improving aging. 4th Int Sym on Qigong. 65CE; 1992.

10. Xu, Hefen; Xue, Huining; Bian, Meiguang; Zhang, Chengming; Zhou, Shuying. Clinical study of the anti-aging effect of qigong. 2nd World Conf for Acad Exch of Medical Qigong. 137Eb; 1993.

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