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 Homeopathy: Healing Through Homeopathy: Schizophrenia - A Case of Schizophrenia 
Schizophrenia is considered by most physicians to be very difficult to treat. Psychotropic medications may suppress the frank psychotic symptoms, however they create additional problems due to their many side effects and most patients need to remain on these major tranquilizers indefinitely. Both of us worked extensively on psychiatric wards prior to becoming naturopathic physicians and wanted very much to find a more natural effective form of treatment for schizophrenia. We have found homeopathy, at least in some cases, to be the answer we were seeking. Many homeopathic physicians, however, discourage the use of homeopathy to treat psychosis. Although we agree that such cases can be very difficult to manage outside of an inpatient psychiatric setting, we have had some real successes, of which this case is one. We have found , as is true in orthodox medicine and other areas of holistic medicine, that patients in their first or second psychotic break, especially those who have not been hospitalized for their schizophrenia, are those who respond best to our treatment.

We also want to emphasize that, although the remedies mentioned in this case were of considerable benefit to this patient, homeopathic treatment is highly individualized. Another patient, experiencing his or her own form of psychotic symptoms, would need entirely different remedies. We presented this case recently at the annual case conference of the Homeopathic Association of Naturopathic Physicians in Seattle and hope that you will find it as fascinating as we do.

K.S. was a 35 year-old woman of Japanese, French, and German descent whose stated chief complaint was difficulty losing weight. However, as soon as the interview began, she reported being in the middle of a "nervous breakdown", diagnosed by her psychiatrist as "brief, reactionary psychosis" for which he had given her Navane l0 mg h.s. When she began to develop torticollis, he added Benadryl and Cogentin. She had been on the medications for less than a month when she came to see us. She felt "like a zombie" with the drugs and complained that the Navane had also made her jittery, anxious, and fearful at night. She had decided on her own to discontinue them them the day before she came to see us (which made us somewhat nervous but made it easier to treat her homeopathically). The psychiatrist had offered her a psychiatric hospitalization, but did agree to try to treat her as an outpatient.

She had begun hearing voices two months prior. The voices invited her to join the man she'd had a crush on in the past and his girlfriend in sexual intercourse. As an aside, she mentioned having been sexually abused for a number of years as a child. One week prior to her breakdown she had visited a clairvoyant who told her he opened her psychic abilities. The voices increased after that. She tried to ignore them, but they continued to test her and she felt the devil was trying to "take her". She was tormented by a constant stream of obscenities and the voices instructed her to masturbate frequently. She feared her soul would be lost. She also experienced burning of both inner canthi which the voices told her was a "devil's stye". She had experienced depression since age l9, during which she lost track of time, and was prescribed antidepressants. She always had problems with low self-esteem, described herself as oversensitive to criticism, and had difficulty with being too empathetic to others' problems. She also complained of being impulsively generous, easily influenced and manipulated by others, and socially awkward.

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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