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 Homeopathy: Allergies (Respiratory) 
The information provided here is not only applicable to children but to most people with allergies.


  • Research has shown that homeopathic medicines are often effective in treating the acute symptoms of allergies, though professional constitutional care is usually necessary to achieve a deeper level of cure of the chronic allergic state.

ALLIUM CEPA: Children who will benefit from Allium cepa experience a profuse, fluent, burning nasal discharge which is worse in a warm room and better in the open air. They have a profuse, bland (non-burning) tearing from the eyes with reddened eyes, and will desire to rub their eyes frequently. They experience a raw feeling in the nose with a tingling sensation and violent sneezing. A frontal congestive headache may be concurrent with their allergy symptoms. These symptoms tend to exacerbate after damp winds.

Ambrosia: This is the primary remedy for hay fever after exposure to ragweed (Ambrosia is a homeopathic dose of ragweed). These children experience a watery nasal discharge and tearing and itching of the eyes. They may also have irritation of the throat and asthmatic breathing.

Apis: Swelling of the throat which is worse by heat is a common allergic reaction of these children. They cannot stand anything around the neck and have a sense of constriction of the chest. They may also experience hives and have puffiness around the face, swollen eyelids, and swelling under the eyes. They can have intolerable itching, especially at night in bed, and their skin may feel full, tense, tight, and hypersensitive to touch.

ARSENICUM: Burning tears and nasal discharge which are often worse on the right side characterize the symptoms related to this medicine. These children's symptoms are worse at and after midnight. They toss and turn in bed and become very anxious, frightened, and restless during breathing difficulties. They are very chilly and feel better in general in a warm room. They usually have a great thirst but only take sips at a time. These children are sensitive to light, have violent sneezing, and may develop asthmatic breathing.

EUPHRASIA: Children who need Euphrasia have the opposite symptoms as those who need Allium cepa: they have profuse burning tears from the eyes and a bland nasal discharge. Their eyes water so much the children look awash in tears. The whites of the eye and the cheeks become reddened from the burning tears. The eye symptoms are worse in the open air. The profuse bland nasal discharge is worse at night, while lying down, and in windy weather.

Kali bic: When children with an allergy experience a thick, gluey, stringy, yellow nasal discharge, this medicine is invaluable. They may also experience post-nasal drip with tenacious mucus, and pain at the root of the nose which is better from applying pressure there. There may be a constant inclination to blow the nose. The discharge, along with the sneezing, is worse from exposure to cold or in the open air. A cough may also occur concurrently, and sometimes these children get a swollen throat which is relieved by warm liquids.

Natrum mur: This remedy is most often given to children who get recurrent hay fever attacks every spring and fall and who develop their symptoms after an emotional experience, especially after grief. Death, divorce, unrequited love, or homesickness often create feelings that are not fully expressed, eventually leading leading to various physical complaints that this medicine is effective in treating. These children experience frequent sneezing, a profuse watery discharge from the nose and eyes, and a loss of taste and smell. Eventually, the nasal discharge may lealead to a state of chronic nasal congestion and thick white mucus. Their symptoms are worse in the morning, at which time they usually hawk up much mucus. Dry and cracked lips or a cold sore may accompany the hay fever symptoms.

NUX VOMICA: These irritable and chilly children tend to have a fluent nasal discharge during the day and congestion at night. Their symptoms tend to be worse indoors and better in the open air. They are sensitive to the cold and to being uncovered. Frequent sneezing may be experienced. Their symptoms sometimes begin after being irritated, vexed, or fatigued.

PULSATILLA: These children have a nasal discharge during the day and congestion at night. Their congestion is worse in a warm room, hot weather, or while lying down, and is relieved in cool rooms, open air, or with cool applications. They tend to have itching at the roof of their mouth at night. These children are emotionally moody, weepy, and impressionable. They tend to be without thirst.

SABADILLA: These children are worse being in the cold air. They have spasmodic sneezing, running nose, itching in the nose, and red, runny eyes. They may also have a headache in their forehead and a feeling of a lump in their throat with a constant desire to swallow. Like Pulsatilla children, they will have a dry throat but do not have a thirst. They are very chilly.

Sulphur: Aggravated by heat and sun, these children have hay fever in the summer. They have nasal obstruction when indoors and a fluent nasal discharge when outdoors. The nose and eyes are reddened, and the nasal discharge burns. As the condition develops, the nasal discharge becomes offensive smelling. The allergy can develop into asthma, especially after exertion.

Wyethia: The distinct symptom that these children experience is an irrritable itching behind the nose and/or at the roof of the mouth. They also have a tickling sensation that creates a dry, hacking cough. Their throat feels swollen. They have a constant desire to swallow saliva but have difficulty swallowing.

Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants. Copyright 1992 by Dana Ullman, M.P.H. used by permission of the author from the book Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants published by Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam.

For further information about homeopathic medicine, contact:
Homeopathic Educational Services
2124B Kittredge St.
Berkeley, CA. 94704
(510)649-1955 (fax)

(Excerpted from Homeopathic Medicines for Children and Infants ISBN: 0874776929)
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 About The Author
Dana Ullman, MPHDANA ULLMAN, MPH, is one of America's leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, including ...more
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