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Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Health Collections: Childhood Asthma 
Micaela Sullivan-Fowler ©

Hi! This is your FREE Hot Bed on childhood asthma. The other Hot Beds will basically follow this form and function. Out of the hundreds of Web sites now available, the Cybrarian Service has gleaned those thought to be most helpful to you for a general inquiry on a healthcare or medical topic. Hot Beds will include annotated URL's that point to newsgroups, news services, and consumer and professional sites. They will offer selected Medline citations. Whether you are a parent, patient, practitioner, administrator or professional, there will be something here for you. (It's 10 pages, there's gotta be something useful!)

If you have found a site that you think is particularly helpful to others on this subject, please E-Mail Cybrarian and let her know. If you have suggestions for other topics, send a note. Your interests will be the fodder for future Hot Beds. Thanks, Micaela

When performing a search of your own, one of the first things you should do is go to MedWeb at Type asthma into their search engine. They have a nice sampling of hyperlinks, many of which are represented here. Putting childhood asthma in Yahoo! is a serviceable way to begin too, many of these sites came from there, or from AltaVista.

General Information

1) Let's make this one more visible! Ask NOAH about Asthma- NOAH is the New York Online Access to Health, and it's provided in English and Spanish. It's a well-crafted, nicely executed site at & children. In addition to providing a directory to lots of information on asthma (occurrence, inhalers, medications, lifestyle) in general, they offer full-text health information on:

  • Behavioral and Cognitive Effects of Theophylline on Children
  • Childhood Asthma
  • Childhood Asthma - (U.S. Healthcare)
  • Facts About Asthma in Children

    2) From the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, comes Tip # 19, Asthma and the School Child. It is a fine descriptive piece of practical information on the issues and concerns for a school age asthmatic. View and/or order copies at There is also Tip #20,, a nice overview called Childhood Asthma. If you want to contact the AAAAI in a less cyber-like way, they can be reached in Schaumburg, Illinois at (847) 427-1200.

    3) There are 16 practical, well selected and written titles on Childhood Asthma from the National Technical Information Service. They would be helpful for patients and practitioners alike. Visit them at

    4) The motherlode of asthma lists is Smith's List at The range of subjects (from listserv entries to news items, to clinical articles) is alphabetical, and enormous- though there's no annotation or selection. If time is of no concern, it's a good place to browse. Many of Smith's sites are represented there.

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