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 Biography: James Strohecker 
James StroheckerJames Strohecker, HealthWorld Online's President and co-founder, brings a deep, personal commitment to's vision and mission as well as to the success and growth of the company. An e-health pioneer and wellness visionary, he has focused on bringing fundamental wellness principles from the world's great healing and wellbeing traditions into mainstream cultural awareness for over 30 years. Currently, his focus is on stimulating the creation of a "Culture of Wellness" in the U.S. and supporting the dissemination of wellness worldwide.

Co-founder of, the world's first Internet network for wellness and complementary/alternative medicine (now entering its' 14th year), he is co-creator of the Wellness Inventory assessment and life-balance program ( and the Wellness Inventory Coach Certification Training ( He was co-founder of the world's first business-to-business Internet network for the natural products industry, originally a subsidiary of HealthWorld Online.

As founding Vice-President of Future Medicine Publishing, he was Executive Editor of the classic and influential work, Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide (600,000 copies in print). He has co-authored five books, including Natural Healing for Depression: Solutions from the World's Great Health Traditions and Practitioners, and has collaborated on over 20 titles in the fields of natural health, human potential, yoga, meditation, and world spiritual traditions. He has also served as an Associate Editor of Total Health Magazine. Recently, he contributed a chapter to Peak Vitality: Raising the Threshold of Abundance in Our Material, Spiritual and Emotional Lives. James is publisher of Healthy Update, HealthWorld's weekly e-newsletter, now in its 13th year and serving over 30,000 subscribers.

A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Tennessee with a degree in cultural anthropology, his interests have taken him from two National Geographic-funded archeological expeditions to Mayan ruins in the jungles of Yucatan, to three years of intensive study of yoga and meditation in India.

Strohecker has served on the numerous boards, including the Board of Trustees of the American University of Complementary Medicine and the Institute of Natural Medicine, the President's Advisory Council for Bastyr University, as well as serving on numerous advisory boards including Nourish America, the National Workforce Health Economics Summit, the National Wellness, Prevention and Fitness Conference, and the Academy for Guided Imagery.

He lives in Los Angeles with Nancy, his wife of 20 years.

Read John Weeks interview with Jim in The Integrator Blog, From Alternative Medicine a Definitive Guide to the Wellness Inventory - An Interview with Pioneering Entrepreneur Jim Strohecker

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