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More than three-quarters of women who get breast cancer are over whtat age?
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 Focusing Institute: Practitioner Search 
Focusing was developed at the University of Chicago and the Focusing Institute has an international network of more than 300 focusing teachers trained in intensive two year experiential programs.

Focusing is exactly at the interface of body-mind. It is a kind of inward bodily attention which most people don't yet know. It is a way of getting a body sense of how you are in a particular life situation. The body sense is unclear and vague at first, but if you pay attention it will open up into words or images and you experience a felt shift in your body. This felt shift is good for the body. It is correlated with an increase in alpha waves, GSR and EMG relaxation measures and better immune functioning.

Research has shown focusing decreases depression and anxiety, improves the relation to the body and tends to increase hardiness for people who have cancer. Focusing is being used in individual counseling and support groups at Cancer Care in New York City and in other medical settings.

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